***Closed: Congrats to Anara***
We shop at Target constantly. To be honest, I stop in way more than I should just to "pick up one thing." And I always leave with way more than I planned.
However, from May 10 through June 13, I can feel a lot better about some of my purchases at Target. Procter & Gamble has teamed up with Target stores to invite you to clean your house like Target House, while helping St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. St. Jude is one of the world’s leading centers for the research and treatment of pediatric cancer and other childhood diseases.
When you purchase specially-marked "red" Procter & Gamble products at Target, Target will make a donation to St. Jude. Fifty cents will be donated for every specially-marked "red" Swiffer Wet Jet and Swiffer Sweeper Starter Kits purchased, and twenty-five cents for every specially-marked "red" Bounce, Downy, and Tide product purchased between May 10 and June 13 up to $250,000.
In addition to the monetary donation, Procter & Gamble will be providing families with these same products to use throughout their stay at Target House, a long-term care facility that offers many of comforts of home, as well as at other St. Jude residential facilities in Memphis.
We use a ton of Procter & Gamble products in our house. Bounce dryer sheets are the only kind we regularly buy. They leave our clothes soft, without irritating the little one's skin. We've also been regularly buying the Tide Stain Release, and I'm so happy to finally be able to tackle the stains the boys bring home.

A lucky reader will win their own "spring into summer" cleaning supplies, including samples of Bounce, Tide Plus Febreze Freshness Sport and Tide Stain Release, and a full-size "red" Swiffer Sweeper Starter Kit
To enter: Tell me one cleaning task you plan to tackle this summer.
Want extra entries? (Leave separate comments for each)
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- Blog about this giveaway with a link to this post. (Leave your link)
Giveaway ends 5/20 at 11:59 pm EST. Winner will be notified via email. Open to US only.
Proctor & Gamble provided me with products and information to review. All opinions are my own.
I hope to tackle cleaning out my kitchen. It has become quite the... (um, how shall I say this?) mess!
roseinthemorning [at] gmail [dot] com
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roseinthemorning [at] gmail [dot] com
roseinthemorning [at] gmail [dot] com
I plan on tackling cleaning the windows inside and out.
I am a follower on Blogger.
I plan on organizing our storage shed. Not looking forward to it! lol Thanks for the great giveaway - love Swiffer!
ladyufshalott at yahoo dot com
New blogger follower!
Following on Twitter! @kindred_spirit
Tweet tweet! http://twitter.com/kindred_spirit/statuses/14231334124
I plan to tackle the craft closet... WHY OH WHY is it always a mess!! LOL
Following you on Twitter @deals4mom
Oooh, I'd love to winner a Swiffer sweeper! Like Anita, my efforts are focused on the kitchen - I'm going to re-organize my kitchen cupboards so that I can consolidate space. Thank you for the giveaway!
supercoupongirl AT gmail.com
I'm a follower!
supercoupongirl AT gmail.com
I have your button and blogroll link here:
supercoupongirl AT gmail.com
I follow on Twitter (@hardertobreathe)!
supercoupongirl AT gmail.com
I tweeted this here:
supercoupongirl AT gmail.com
i plan on tackeling my closets
following on twitter @lovemy21b
im a follower
I want to just clean out our apartment...we just moved, and I'm seeing just how much "stuff" we have!
pepethewepe at gmail.com
I follow you on Blogger now (Lauren Peterson)
pepethewepe at gmail.com
I follow you on Twitter @dopeymouse05.
pepethewepe at gmail.com
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pepethewepe at gmail.com
I blogged here: http://pepethewepe.xanga.com/727348494/target-cleaning-pack-giveaway/
pepethewepe at gmail.com
I'm taking on the garage!
lbaran. pcs @gmail. com
My summer plans are to tackle the closets and my daughter's room and clean up the yard!
I plan on cleaning out our laundry room and installing new doors, we seem to have water damage so I am hoping it doesn't require new floors.
uncashbug6 at aol dot com
follow you on twitter @Ashbug622
uncashbug6 at aol dot com
I'm hoping we can get our garage cleaned up this summer :) *Thanks* for the giveaway!
The Momma's Gone Over the Wall button is in my Blogroll, Buttons K - N
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We recently moved into a new (older) home that was empty for almost a year before we moved in, so we need to tackle the gardening and lawn (or lack of lawn) this summer! When you can't see the pit bull over the weeds, and the chihuaha is lost for good- it's time!
six_one_nine_girlie86 (at) yahoo (dot) com
I follow on Twitter-pyrodamsel
six_one_nine_girlie86 (at) yahoo (dot) com
I plan on tackling the windows. msmith572@yahoo.com
I've already started but I plan on organizing my attic.
rmglaughlin at gmail dot com
I follow via GFC!
rmglaughlin at gmail dot com
I follow you on Twitter - @michrick8185
rmglaughlin at gmail dot com
I tweeted here: http://twitter.com/dopeymouse05/status/14292127964
pepethewepe at gmail.com
i'm going to wash my outside windows
Just this morning we were talking about our windows needing to be cleaned!!!!!
I'd love to clean out the garage.
I plan to tackle my kitchen cabinets; inside, outside & the shelf across the top!
Luvdaylilies at bellsouth dot net
Follow your blog~Luvdaylilies
Luvdaylilies at bellsouth dot net
I follow you on twitter~Luvdaylilies
Luvdaylilies at bellsouth dot net
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Luvdaylilies at bellsouth dot net
I need to tackle my bedroom.
steffanie771 at hotmail dot com
I plan to tackle my garage!
I follow on Twitter @pittsy82
Tweeted http://twitter.com/pittsy82/status/14320567224
I plan to finally tackle that guest room closet.
I need to clean all my windows, inside and out!
katiekarr at gmail dot com
I plan on cleaning under our couches...I've neglected that and I'm sure they're in need of a good cleaning! Thanks!
I follow your blog
Tweet! http://twitter.com/tobinsmommy08/status/14336852280
I plan on tackling the storage closet - eek!
I am looking forward(yes i said it) to cleaning out all of my Herb pots to reuse for many more awesome herb growing this year;)
cyclona66(at) aol dot com
I'm hoping to tackle cleaning out the garage - it gets so dirty in there!
winnieayala at yahoo dot com
I'm hoping to clean out the kids toy closet.
ajolly1456 at gmail dot com
I follow on twitter, dancinggal101
ajolly1456 at gmail dot com
I tweeted
i'm moving into a new apartment so I'm gonna tackle the WHOLE place!
hockiemack at hotmail.com
follow on blogger!
hockiemack at hotmail.com
I plan to clean out lots of closets and organize them all!
allibrary (at) aol (dot) com
closet reorganization
at gmail: a midg rn
I am hoping to clean out my kitchen and both kids rooms including closets, they are all messy and over stuffed, with a lot of stuff we don't need. eaglesforjack@gmail.com
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