Friday, April 17, 2009

Small Talk Six: Pets

Today's Small Talk Six is all about pets. What 6 animals (wild or domestic) do you think would be fun to own as a pet? Little man wants to be a zoologist someday. So who knows, maybe he will get to care for animals like these eventually.

An otter: Too Swimmy?
Flamingo: Too Bendy?
A Scotch Highland: Too smelly?
A three toed-sloth: Too buggy?
Another kitten: Too needy?
A tiger cub: Too growly?

Wondering about the questions? You should read What Pet to Get. It's one of our all time favorite books!


Mrs Zeee said...

very clever. i like it and i really enjoy your blog style :)

Unknown said...

How cute! I LOVE kittens but then they get big and naughty like the 3 we already have. I wish they could stay little forever. :)

Bloggymommy said...

That kitten it so cute! I have that same cub photo on mine! lol Great list!

Rhea@mommy23monkeys said...

Super cute. I am loving this week. You are too funny.

A Psych Mommy said...

I would say the flamingo is too smelly! Those things reek at the zoo!

Lisa Nielsen said...

I would love to have the last kitty , it is stayed that size and the teeth didnt get so big !

Upstatemamma said...

Very cute. I thought about a tiger. They always look so cute playing, like giant housecats.

Amanda said...

The kitten is so cute, but then they grow up, just like kids and get into mischief LOL.

Maria@Conversations with Moms said...

Hilarious! I love your picks.

Angela said...

funny! My little man wants to be a zoologist too so there is no telling what he will own or take care of over the years!

Alicia said...

Fun list! A flamingo would be interesting... good lawn decor anyway... hehe

Deni said...

Good choices! A flamingo would be very interesting!

Anonymous said...

Love the tiger. TFS -- You blog is so cute!

I am Harriet said...

You've got the only Flamingo. They are pretty cool.

Cat@3KidsandUs said...

I don't know why but flamingo's scare me. lol