Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Wordless Wednesday

In awe...


Brimful Curiosities said...

Did the little guy pick any for you?

tiarastantrums said...

great shot - my kids love the blooming flowers everywhere too

Sara Bonds said...

Look at that face! He is precious. Those are beautiful flowers. I love the colors together.

Happy WW from Sara @ Mostly Wordless Wednesday HQ!

MamaJoss said...

AWWWWWE - love it. Handsome boy/Pretty flowers...great job with this WW!

just another mother said...

Love those photos!!!!


Shannon @ Gabi's World said...

Precious boy and beautiful flowers!

Unknown said...

What gorgeous pics! You are talented with the camera! Although, the super cute model helps too ; )

Happy WW!

Rhea@mommy23monkeys said...

Beautiful flowers! No wonder the little guy is in awe. I would be, too.

Joy said...

Those flowers are so beautiful! I can't figure out what they are so if anyone knows I'd love to hear it. Beautiful little man!

MaryBeth said...

These are great shots... and he's adorable!

Melanie said...

cute! Looks like he is enjoying the weather.

Leland's Mama said...

Great photos. I want your camera and some pretty flowers too. LOL.

Upstatemamma said...

Beautiful flowers!! It looks like the little guy thought so too. :)

Rob said...

Great facial expression. Happy WW!

Check out my WW post at http://www.pbandsmellysdad.com/

Daddydayone said...

Beautiful pictures, and flower. I have never seen one quite like that.


GroovyGirl said...

what a cutie! Very odd to see 2 diff color flowers on one plant.

Secret Mom Thoughts said...

Beautiful flowers and boy. Also I love the name of your blog.

Raise Them Up said...

What a face! Priceless. :)

It's nice to meet you! Thanks for leaving a comment trail for me to come and find you!

Unknown said...

I just love his expression. Happy WW!

Anonymous said...

I would be too! What beautiful flowers!

Colleen - Mommy Always Wins said...

Aw, how lovely! He's very cute! Was he looking at those flowers?

Anonymous said...

How sweet -- My little one loves to pick the flowers. TFS

My Trendy Tykes said...

Awww! How cute

Diana of Diana Rambles said...

GORGEOUS flowers!

Momstart said...

That's so pretty

Muthering Heights said...

LOL, how sweet!

Maria@Conversations with Moms said...

Beautiful flowers being looked at by an even more beautiful boy.

tiff snedaker said...

Pretty pictures, and very cute little boy :)

Cascia Talbert said...

That is beautiful! I love his expression and the spring flowers.

Mrs Zeee said...

lovely pix. happy ww

Anonymous said...

What cool flowers! He has such a kissable little face!

Unknown said...

OMG he's so cute!!! Beautiful flowers too!

Enter to win a TILTY Sippy cup double pack!

Shari@aPsychMommy said...

Beautiful flowers and beautiful child!

Staci said...

so sweet! The flowers are too :) HE is a cutie!

Phoenix said...

I love the look on his face, what a cutie! Those flowers are gorgeous, love the colors!

ParentingPink said...

What a sweetie! And I LOVE the sho

The Mud Bug said...

He is adorable! Pretty flowers!


Bloggymommy said...

Aww...your little guy is so cute! :) Those flowers are the prettiest I've ever seen! WOW at those colors! :)

Anonymous said...

Great pictures, he is so cute, and the flowers are very pretty.

Alexandra said...

aww!! both pics full of so much beauty!

Susan Cook said...

Aww cute. It's nice that he liked the flowers. Happy WW!

Anonymous said...

Such a cute face and such beautiful flowers!

Happy WW!

Jacqueline Renner said...

I love the expression on his face! So cute and I always like your flower pictures too.:)

More Than Words said...

What a cutie face!!!!! I love those flowers too! How pretty!

sheila said...

Those are beautiful little flowers! And your little one is a sweetheart!

Rattled Mom said...

There's so much to be in awe of during the spring!

Krisha said...

awe, he's cute!

the flowers are pretty, too!

sunnymama said...

Aww what a lovely WW post! He's a real handsome guy and those are real pretty flowers.

Anonymous said...

Cute little guy! It's fun when they start noticing all of the specuil happenings all over the place!

Kimberly@PrettyPinkMomma said...

What great pictures! I always love nice flower shots, kid ones too!

jenn said...

Such a cutie. Beautiful shot of the flowers too.

Shannon said...

Beautiful photos. I hope he picked you a bouquet.

Cat@3KidsandUs said...

Don't you just wish you could feel about anything the way a child feels about flowers? Great picture!