The Good:
Yummy food...Cinnamon Apple Pie Mountain Pies cooked over a fire

S'mores (of which I ate 10 or so...)

The Bad:
Water snakes...Lots of them.

Oh, and they failed to mention. It's mating season.
(Cue me screaming and darting to the far side of the bridge, trying to ward off the impeding heart attack.)

The Cute:
Crazy kid singing and dancing. To Hannah Montana.

And a creepy crawlie I could handle.

Hubby's ready to load up and go again. Apparently, he's quick to forget that we came home early from the last trip after Little Man flipped and refused to sleep in the tent another night. The daddy long leggers lurking on the mesh overhead finally got to him.
Momma, is not so quick to forget. My next vacation will
definitely not be including a tent, or snakes, or bugs.
Smores are soooo yummy and almost make campng worth it. LOL. Hope your next camping trip has a few less snakes.
UG! I hate water snakes. Regular snakes I can (sorta) handle, but ones that swim around, gross! So is that apple pie made with cinnamon bread and apple pie filling? It looks delicious and we are always looking for new camping recipes.
Noooo...not the snakes. Maybe I should've read this post after our camping trip this weekend.
That is one cute kid you got there! :)
I can't wait for the S'mores this weekend. And I'd love to know how to make that Cinnamon Apple Pie Mountain Pie.
Ugh, those snacks gave me chills. I hate snakes. H.A.T.E.
Not too many people I know have heard of mountain pies, let alone made them. That was cool to see them on your blog!
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