Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Wordless Wednesday

Little GM loves to tell scary ghost stories:
Floating pumpkins, there were 100s out on a raft at a Halloween event last year, including ones we carved. It was amazing to see. Here's a very small section of them:Check out more Wordless Wednesday's over at MomDot.


Jenna said...

Those are some cool designs! I am just amazed by how detailed some of these carvings can get!

Check out the blog, you have an award :)

Bridgette said...

Wow, those pumpkins are awesome!

Erin Tales said...

Ooooh...spooky! Come check out my WW: http://www.themombuzz.com/2008/10/wordless-wednesday-lochlan-mom-buzz.html

michelle said...

those are fabulous! thanks for sharing.
{visiting from not-so-blog blog}

Unknown said...

Those are cool pumpkins. Both pics are great.

JO said...

lovely! trick or treat!

Here's my entry. Thanks!

Bloggymommy said...

Those are really cook pumpkins! I'm never very good at carving ours but the kids love it! Happy Wednesday to ya! ;)

Haasiegirl said...

thats very neat!!


MMJ said...

Looks like a cutie in the first pic. Love the pumpkin carving designs!

Trish said...

That's cool!

Minxy Mimi said...

Thats creepy!!!

Jenny said...

How cool to see all those pumpkins!

Indigo Children said...

creative pumpkins. I love Halloween with kids (gives me an excuse to be so excited).

Shasta said...

There are some really neat carvings there, very cool!

jenn said...

Wow. That's really cool.

Felicia said...

Wonderful pics for the fall season!

Tena said...

these pictures are so cool!!!!
Great WW entry!!!

Anonymous said...

Great collection of carvings!

Unknown said...

I love the floating pumpkins. And the scary picture is well scary! LOL

Melissa said...

Very spooky looking! Happy WW

Susan G. said...

you have an award on my blog !

Rachelle said...

Wow ~ how cool to have seen that. I bet it was awesome. Thanks for stopping by our blog!

Anonymous said...

Those are really cool!