Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Wordless Wednesday

Want to see more Wordless Wednesdays? Go check some out over at MomDot.


Susan G. said...

What a cutie, love the pumpkin ! Happy WW !

JO said...

Here's my WW! Thanks!

FreeStyleMama - Diana said...

Thanks for visiting my blog!

Ordinary Mom said...

What a great pic!! So cute!! Happy WW

Jesica said...

Cute pic!

Sandy said...

Great pic! He looks so proud!

Tena said...

good job buddy!!!!

Anonymous said...

awwwww yay! he looks so proud! Happy WW

Melissa said...

A painted pumpkin- How cute! Happy WW

Andrea said...

How cute! Paintint pumpkins is fun!

Jenny said...

Looks like he had fun painting. It's too bad we can't keep these forever...they're too cute to throw away. Happy WW!

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

Cute pumpkin...good job!!

Belinda said...

Such a little artist!

Jess NBP said...

what a cutie pie! Love the painted pumpkin.

Haasiegirl said...

Painting is a great idea!

Felicia said...

He looks so proud! What a great memory for everyone!

By the way, the shoes Graham has on in the pick are Livie and Luca! I have a 10% off coupon code for them on my site! They are my favorite!

Anonymous said...

Very creative!
He's quite the ar-tist!

Kristen Andrews said...

cutie pie and cool pumpkin

Bridgette said...

He did a great job!

Kim @ What's That Smell said...

Yay, great job!

Allison said...

That is my kind of way to decorate a pumpkin... less mess! I can't get away with it though... daughter won't let me! LOL

Great pumpkin... you have and artiste on your hand!

AJ @ A Little Bit Nutty said...

How cute!

Anonymous said...

Oh, he looks so proud of his pumpkin - how sweet!

Anonymous said...

I love it when little kids paint their pumpkins He looks so happy and proud :-)