Sometimes I get so depressed looking at other blogs (and people in general). You know the people: their house is always clean, everybody is always happy, they always look amazing.
I'm so not one of those people. My house is a mess most days: toys strewn across the floor, dishes that need done, all that.
My kid pouts. A LOT.
I'm so not one of those people. My house is a mess most days: toys strewn across the floor, dishes that need done, all that.
My kid pouts. A LOT.

This is my life. Welcome to it. I'm not perfect, my house isn't perfect, my little one...well, of course he's perfect (to me).
Oh, and I have a zit on my chin. La dee freakin' da.
LOL! That's freaky about the gerbils though!
don't worry, i'm one of those non-perfect SAHM where I frantically try to throw things in closets if i know someone is coming over.
Absolutely hysterical story, though...hopefully you came up with a good answer!
I have a friend like you described and she has TWINS. I don't know how she does it but part of me hates her for it. Then I think you know... I'd rather spend time enjoying my baby who is growing up before my very eyes than have a spotless house. 5 years from now I won't care if the carpet was shampooed but I will remember him snuggling with me to read a book.
I hear ya sister. My house and life are in the same disarray. When I feel badly about it, I tell myself that I won't be on my death bed wishing I'd spent more time on housework, lol.
That gerbil thing...that's awful. But hey, at least he learned something right?
I feel you girl! My house looks like a tornado hit it. As soon as I get it organized, WHAM! Another tornado hits! Oh well, one day we will all be the perfect housewife right? Its way too hard now when the kids are little. I tell mu husband he should be happy he's not paying for daycare - daycare won't do the laundry or the dishes either, lol!
BTW I had no idea that gerbils ate their babies! How horrible to explain that one! I would have been pissed if I bought gerbils and then three days later they multiplied. Back to the pet store they would have gone! Good luck with those gerbils.
LMBO!! I hear ya. I am definitely not a perfect SAHM. My dishes always need to be done and my floor is covered with toys (my basement family room is worse). Everytime I vacuum my floor the kids seem to eat crackers on it.
Sorry about the baby gerbils.
Kids ask the darnedest things...usually very loud and when lots of people are around.
Hahahaha! Seriously I'm sittin' with you. I am one of those people too. As we speak I think my foot is stuck to something on the floor & I'm afraid to move it. There's a dead mouse on my lawn and I REFUSE to move it... You are my kind of mom... Those "DIY" ones just hurt my brain.
They ate their own young? EWWWW
Remind me never to get a
We have baby mice that my children found by their swingset. Cute now, yes but a pain in the butt soon.
I was blog hopping and stumbled here. OMG! I feel the same way when I see other more clean/managed mom blogs.
And the gerbil incident...! I remember being the kid asking the questions when our hamster ate its babies when I was 5.
Good luck :-)
OMG zit came back to my chin too. I told her to f' off and she took hold with a vengeance! Come look at my house and you won't be depressed!
You're not perfect? I'm hanging out w/you because I'm there w/ya. I just returned from a vacation where relatives had the dishes and the entire kitchen clean five minutes after the last plate was turned in. My kitchen is clean this morning only because my husband did it last night. I'll get it together. It must be too much time on the computer.
You made me laugh about the gerbil eating momma. I know that is gross and it probably isn't a great way to introduce kids to pets. Oh well.
Just remember, there are so many of us out here who have the cluttered and messy homes/lives. We'll take over the world and recruit more of us after we clean up.
I definitely feel the way you do when I read other mom blogs. Even though I blog about organizing the home, I am still struggling to keep my home organized. I feel so stressed out sometimes, trying so hard each day to make everything is a wonderful thing to read a post like yours and realize this is life, you only get one, weird things happen, and it isn't the end of the world. Thanks for the reminder and the smile. Abbie
Oh so gross about the gerbils! That would make me sick too. (Although does your cat want to come over and solve my mouse problem??) I wouldn't be too hard on yourself - I have a feeling even the people who seem to be happy with clean houses are hiding a few things themselves. :-)
Believe me everyones lifes are that way. SOme just aren't cool enough to talk about it like you:)
Same here! Though I sometimes stress because things are not "perfect," I am happier this way :) I wouldn't change it for anything!
I am totally cracking up.
Oh and a house with children needs to have toys and things around. It makes it a home! Atleast that's my opinion.
Gerbils, ugghh. I'm so glad I didn't have to deal with that.
Lol! Too funny! We got to see the exact same thing happen in a pet store. Our house gets dirty as soon as I put away the cleaning supplies, so it's almost like "why bother?"!
I'm not sure which blogs you're reading about the perfect lives, but it's not mine. There's lots more out there like us. And it's ok. At least, I tell myself that so I don't worry so much. I save my freaking out for more important things like going to the dentist. Just saying.
=) Don't worry so much. You're perfect just the way you are.
lol I love the questions kids ask! And house is barely ever clean either! You're so not alone!
lol! Breathe!! My house is never clutter free or really clean. You aren't alone sweetie!
Those other blogs, yeah, I've been there too. lol!
Hahaha. Seriously...fantastic post. My house is freaking nasty and I have a face full of zits! Little boys sure are sweet though. I'm curious how you answered the pee question? :)
I'm not one of those blogs either, friend! I love your blog and I will never have gerbils because I had one when I was also four and the same thing happened. EW!
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