Much to Little Man's excitement, the Tooth Fairy made her first visit to our house Monday night. I'm told she came exactly at midnight, and even though he tried his hardest to stay up all night, he fell asleep right before she got there.
Being squeamish about teeth, I personally wasn't thrilled about sticking a tooth under his pillow. My luck, it would get lost in his bed and the Tooth Fairy wouldn't be able to find it in the middle of the night. This kid is known to kick and flip and end up with pillows all over the bed and floor by morning.
So I was thrilled to find the idea of the Tooth Fairy Jar. The lost tooth was dropped into a jar full of water and Little Man placed it on his dresser to wait for the fairy's appearance. When she came for the tooth, she turned the water blue (food coloring) and left a little glitter behind, as well as a crisp one dollar bill.

Congrats on losing the tooth! Loose teeth totally gross me out too.
I remember when my son lost his 1st tooth. They look so red necky with missing teeth but they are still cute. LOL.
How are you?
Hope that you enjoy a beautiful Monday!
incredible post!
Happy Belated Easter!
Yeah! Congrats on him losing his tooth! What a cute idea for the tooth fairy!!!
I LOVE that idea! How neat! Whenever my daughter does the whole "look at my loose tooth" mom thing - I cringe - I can handle blood anywhere else EXCEPT in a mouth!
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