Thursday, October 2, 2008

Around the Blogoshpere Story

One day, Trisha was outside going for a walk. She really hated to walk, in fact, she downright despised it. This was because………….. She was tired of the nasty old men who would pervertedly let out cacophonous wolf whistles as she would hike down the road. Trisha hated feeling like a sex object, despite her night job as a lap dancer at the local T&A bar. Working at the T&A Bar, Trisha makes AWESOME Money from the men AND women that wont ever go home. One day Trisha got fed up with the bar and headed to a nudist beach.

Being utterly disgusted by the fat men at the beach, Trisha decided to start a campaign to exile any overweight men, so the beach would no longer be an eyesore. This quest however, ticked off all the wives who thought their hubbys were fat yet fabulous.

Read More of this story at: MomDot

Contributing Bloggers to this Story: MomDot, Womb at the Inn(sane), Nothing But Purple, Momma's Gone Over the Wall