Monday, November 24, 2008

Blog Party Day 9: Gifts

Welcome to day 9 of the MomDot blog party!

Today's Sponsors:
Cutie Covers, Jacscreations and Sassy Baby

Today's Question:
What is the most unusual gift you have received? Best gift? Do you re-gift?

It's really tough for me to remember any unusual gifts over the years, nothing jumps out at me, even though I'm sure there was quite a few. Living in my family, you learned early to smile and say thank you, even if you weren't quite sure what it was you were looking at. No matter how impossible it seemed to identify whatever you unwrapped you still knew to say thank you.

Instead, I'll tell you about two of the sweetest gifts I've ever received. The first was senior year of high school. During the school year, my brother had taken my senior portraits for me. He took this great black and white of me lounging on the railroad tracks. At Christmas that years, he gave me a hand drawn portrait of the picture that he had drawn and framed. I know it must have taken forever, and it was just amazing.
Here's one of the pics he took-I couldn't find the exact one he used right now...

The second sweet gift was from the hubby, three Christmases ago. This could be classified as slightly unusual too though. He had bought my a pair of baby booties as a gift, but I wasn't pregnant. As I opened them, he explained he was ready to try for baby #2 if I was. I had been ready for quite sometime, and he wanted me to know he was on board with it too. Even though baby #2 has yet to happen, I know the hubby and I are on the same page about what we want.

As for whether I re-gift, I do pass things along that we can't use, or things we have duplicates of. I don't tend to give them as gifts, but just to get them to people who will be able to use them.


Michelle@lifeinawhirlwind said...

That picture is incredible! What a sweet thing your brother did. Also, the story about the booties gave me chills. Your husband must be very romantic. Most guys wouldn't think of doing such a wonderful gester. Good luck in filling those booties!

Kelli said...

Awww...what sweet gifts! The picture is such a treasured gift to get from a sibling. And Wow for your hubby being so sweet and thoughtful.

Trish said...

We always said thank you too. No matter what it was!

Erin Tales said...

How sweet of your hubby!

Melissa, Multi-Tasking Mama said...

That is a very sweet hubby gift!

Tena said...

your hubby is a good egg!
That picture is beautiful!!

Celina said...

Baby booties...what a great and thoughtful gift!

Melissa said...

such sweet gifts you've received~!

Melissa said...

such sweet gifts you've received~!

Anonymous said...

I love that picture! It's beautiful!

Kelley said...

WOW....those are both great gifts.... have a great day.

Kelley said...

WOW....those are both great gifts.... have a great day.

Anonymous said...

Smile and say thank you!
You are right, one year I made a mistake and didn't do that. I thought I was being helpful, but now looking back, it probably hurt the other person's feelings....

Anonymous said...

those are sweet gifts!

Anonymous said...

How sweet! The picture and drawing are so priceless! Your hubby's gift, however, takes the cake! Now that was sweet!

Momstart said...

gifts that take time like drawing are very nice to get. I like to give those and getting them is even better.

Sarah said...

I would have to steal the bootie idea if I ever decided I could handle another. There's a present Beloved won't be getting any time soon!