But, I have a little boy. A little boy who loves bugs. He wants to know everything he can about them. And who could deny helping him learn?
So we've been exploring bugs. Luckily, it's been raining, so I've been able to avoid going out and catching real ones.
But, we've read about them, told stories about them, sung about them. I'm bring home a baby bumblebee, won't my mommy be so proud of me...
And we've created them:
From caterpillars (named Phil):
nope. My 4 year old brings me dead spiders and cockroaches:)
Well, I hope he doesn't request you to catch a real bug!
BTW, those butterfly craft is awesome. I want to make them with my daughter when I come home today. Thanks for the idea! (since we don't drink coffee at home, we might just use tissue papers or something)
What a great idea! Love the butterflies. So cool. (Unfortunately I use a plastic re-usable filter, but I guess I can always just get the paper filters for this....) My boy is also loving the bugs and toads. Fun fun fun.
Ah, you are such a good mother.
Like you, I'm not a fan of bugs. And of course, my husband brings home bug larvae for our daughter to grow. BLECH!
I'm with you, the paper ones are much better. I was babysitting yesterday and the little girl was bringing me the dead spiders from her playhouse- eugh!!
Morgan's uncle gave her a "watch" that you can put bugs in. She had a rollie-pollie in it and was wearing it around the house. Suddenly, I hear an "oh no!" The bug has somehow escaped. In. My. House. I can't think about it too much or I'll freak. I much prefer the butterflies you made. Very cool.
I am rigth there with you. Not a fan of bus or snakes asper my blog post yesterday)
I think we will make that butterfly today for craft time though.
Thanks for the idea and good luck bug hunting.
Staci! I have an award for you! Come get it! You deserve it!
Awwww, you're such a good mommy.... doing all that for your little guy. The butterfly is beautiful.. I like that one much more than the creepy crawlers he'll be wanting you to catch this weekend!
lol, we like worms but other than that, we don't do bugs either.
I love the lil bug projects. I am not a bug lover by any means.
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