Friday, April 9, 2010

The Ultimate Blog Party with 5M4M

Although a little late to the festivities, I'm joining in with the 600 or so other moms already linked up to the Ultimate Blog Party over at 5 Minutes for Mom.
Ultimate Blog Party 2010

If you haven't participated before... The Ultimate Blog Party has become an exciting tradition in the “Momosphere”. It is a bloggy carnival where participating bloggers publish a “party post” introducing themselves and then party hop through the linky lists meeting other bloggers.

This is my first time joining in, and I'm looking forward to finding lots of new blogs to read. And I'm excited about all the fab prizes being offered too (#105, #72, #83, and USC 8 all look wonderful).

If this is your first time here, welcome! I'm Staci, mom to one crazy little boy. I love taking pictures, exploring the outdoors, and baking. (And right about now, I feel like I'm writing a really bad personal ad.)I've been blogging for almost 2 years. Over time, my blog has gone through many changes. Now, I find myself writing more and more about the things I love. My family, my photos, my food.

Thanks for stopping by! I hope to see you back again soon.


Mami2jcn said...

Nice to meet you!

mami2jcn at gmail dot com

Lesley Peck said...

hi Staci! Thanks for stopping by my blog! I love taking pictures too. I would be lost without my camera. :)

Sky said...

It's great to meet you! You have a great site!

Anonymous said...

Hey Stacie! Just returning the hello! With the right sewing machine I think anyone can sew! It took me three to find the right one to learn on! And now Im addicted! LOL

I have to say that on your main blogger page I love your "about me" with the cook, waitress, maid part! Definitely feel the same way!

So nice to meet you!

Mommy Boots (formerly KarmaPearl) said...

Nice to meet you! Happy blogging!

Stephanie said...

Nice to meet you Staci! Thanks for stopping by my blog. This is my 1st time participating in the UBP and enjoyed looking at your blog

Unknown said...

Hi Staci! So nice to meet you too! Thanks for stopping by! Happy UBP10 :)

Twitter: @aidenscross

Shonda said...

Hi Staci- Thanks for visiting Knowlton Nest. I hope to see more of what you blog about. Blessings, Shonda :)

Unknown said...

Hi Staci! It's great to "meet" you and you have an absolutely adorable little man there!

Emily said...

Hi Staci! Nice to meet you, too! Thanks for saying Hi! :)

Emily said...

Hi Staci! Nice to meet you, too! Thanks for saying Hi! :)

SnoWhite said...

Thanks for stopping by today!

It's nice to meet you too. I'm off to check out your recipes :)

Kristy Villa said...

You made it on the first day. As far as i'm concerned, that's not late (: Thanks for stopping by my blog - its great meeting you too! I think Target plots how to pull us in and take all of our money!

LadyBug-Kellie said...

Hi Staci!

Thanks for stopping by my blog post! I loved your tooth fairy post, such a big moment! And the jar, food coloring, and glitter was so creative & fun!

Shelley said...

Hi. I have just recently started looking into creating a blog and thought the UBP would be a great way to see what is out there. Love your blog.

♥♥ Willa ♥♥ said...

it's my second time joining UBP and I'm telling you that it is really fun.
You li'l boy's eyes is so beautiful!!!
Good Luck on winning the prizes of your choice. I'm now also one of your follower. :)
My UBP 2010 Party Post

Gabe said...

I loved what you said about a personal ad, because I thought the same thing:). . .loved your photos. Wish I had more time to do more of that! Thanks for stopping by my site!


Aimee said...

Nice to meet you Staci! Thanks for stopping by my blog - it takes a little time to learn the ropes of making good deals, but once you do, it is SOOOO worth it!!

More than a Mom said...

Thanks for coming by my blog and leaving a comment. UBP has been so much fun so far!

Unknown said...

ya i hope so too !!!
my first gave me some challenge its gotten better though

My 1st boy was a breeze, so hopefully it is the same.

thanks for stopping by grab my button

I added you to blogs i follow too

Amanda said...

Love your blog title!! Thanks for visiting me- I am also a fellow shutterbug!

Dawn said...

Thanks for checking out my blog. I am going to browse around here for awhile.....=)

Brandy said...

Joining in on your Party! I love pretty much the same things you, pictures, and food/recipes. Thanks for stopping by

Lori Carey said...

Hi Staci! Nice to meet you, thanks for stopping by my blog! Your little boy is so cute! I saw the tooth fairy jar - too cute (had to comment on that post too!). Looking forward to seeing more from you!

Beeb said...

Happy UBP Staci! :)


Anonymous said...

Hey Staci! Thanks for coming by. This is my first time many blogs to hop to. Happy partying and have a wonderful weekend:)

Dawn said...

You take some really great photos! Hope you have a great UBP '10!

Lori said...

Hi Sataci. It's nice to meet you. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I really enjoyed yours as well. Your little guy is adorable!!!

Cherie said...

I love the name of your blog! I feel like disappearing over the wall sometimes! Great spot you have here. Thanks for visiting my blog today!

Kathy Sykes said...

Hey Staci! I love the pictures on your blog. I think pics add that extra something to help the reader understand the blogger. Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment. We have a lot in common.

Kim said...

Thanks for visiting my blog! Love yours and look forward to reading more about you and your life!

Anonymous said...

Nice to meet you and thanks for stopping by my blog- I too have been blogging for 2 years- I have many blogs and I have changed my blogging style more then I have changed my hair-I was going to say socks but that's just gross-
See you soon

Unknown said...

Happy UBP10!!!

Thanks for stopping by my blog. I followed you as well! :)

My Mercurial Nature said...

Returning your comment and following now, too! Your little boy is precious and I loved that picture of the frog on your Wordless Wednesday!

SugarPlumsMomma said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog. This party was a great idea!

Jennifer Nordin, LMT, CPT said...

Happy UBP Staci! Thanks for hopping over to Oils For Wellness. Your little guy is so cute, I have one son also. Have a nice weekend!

Anonymous said...

Oh, I love your pictures. I'm so jealous of people who take better pictures than me and now you're on that list. :) Sorry!
Thanks for visiting. I am loving the UBP.

Trish said...

Thanks for stopping by and saying hi - it's nice to meet a fellow PA blogger. And yes, I can see the mischief in your son's eyes; he's cooking up something!

Enjoy the party. ;)

Cheryl Pitt said...

How nice to meet you! Thanks for stopping by, I'm now a subscriber :)

Carrie said...

Thanks for dropping by my blog- I like the picture of your little boy, he's going to be a heartbreaker :)

Messy Mommy said...

Hi! Thanks for stopping by! I wish I was better at taking pictures! I really suck at it. I thought a new camera would help but it totally didn't. I also wish I liked to bake, and/or cook. :)

Frugal Sara said...

Thanks for stopping by! LOVE your blog. Your pictures are fabulous. You are truly talented. Hope you have a great weekend.

Kelly said...

Welcome to the party! Thank you for stopping by my blog! It's so nice to meet you. :-)

Megret said...

Hi! I recognize you from my blog comments. :) Thanks for popping by and saying hi -- it's great to hear you're a regular reader! :0)

Nice to formally "meet" you!
Megret :)

Forgetfulone said...

Hi! Nice to meet you, too! Thanks for stopping by. Hope you're having fun. Your son is absolutely adorable! And you're a pretty good photographer. Keep on partyin'!

Angie said...

Thanks for stopping by! Checking out your blog now!
Hope you are having a great day!

tehlia said...

Hi There. Thanks for stopping by my blog.

Love your pictures and that frog one is awesome. Hope all is well.

The blue scarf was a custom order. Love making them.

Amy said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Your little boy sure is a cutie!

Daisygirl said...

Hi coming from UBP10 I am now following your blog! Your son is very cute! This is my first time participating in this too!
Hope you have a great weekend.

redeemed diva said...

Great blog. I love the photos of your family. Beautiful!

tiarastantrums said...

hello girlie - haven't been around in awhile - many apologies! Happy to see you on the UBP!

Teresa @ Grammy Girlfriend said...

Love your blog title.....what a great night...Blog hopping and having a many great blogs....This is a GREAT party.
I have a Fun $100 Gift Basket to give away and all it takes a comment.
I am number....294 and 295......


Kelly said...

Writing a personal ad ~ LOL! I felt a little the same way.

Chanin said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog, Staci! It's great to meet you!! Great blog!

DarcyLee said...

What a cutie your little boy is! Thanks for visiting and commenting on my blog and I hope you find some recipes you can use on my cooking blog, too. I remember when my husband and I first got married that he had to teach me how to fry an egg! Have a great weekend.

Jenn said...

Thanks for stopping by my place! I love the idea of wearing the boys out...I've been wondering if they make those hamster wheels in preschooler size??

MrsJenB said...

Thanks for visiting yesterday! I'm glad to return the visit today. Very nice to meet you!

Melissa said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog! :) I just checked out your homemade pop tarts recipe and I am so impressed. I'm going to have to try it out because we love pop tarts! Have a great weekend!

My Trendy Tykes said...

Hey Staci,
I can't remember if I have already been here....I am getting confused. There are so many links now : )

I love the camera too!

Enjoy the rest of the party.

Literary Winner said...

Eh, it wasn't a bad person ad. :) I love baking too!
Hope you're having fun at UBP10!

Maggie at tethered mommy dot com

CaseyCG said...

Staci, nice site. Love your profile description...all the jobs we moms juggle.

Christina said...

So nice to meet you. Your little boy is adorable! Sweet, sweet, sweet!

Melody said...

So nice to meet you through UBP! I am also a foodie blogger. Cute blog and cutest little boy!

Cupcake Mommie (Jessica) said...

Thanks for stopping by Cupcake Mommie!

I'll be following you now! What a cute little guy!

MomOnTheEdge said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog.

BTW - Your little boy is gorgeous! Love those eyes!

Tasha, The Stamping Lady said...

Hi Staci! I think you got signed on before I did and now there are over 1000 so you're not late. ;) Of course you blog about the things you love, that's where the passion lies. And that's what makes it fun for us moms to connect. Have fun at the UBP!

A Psych Mommy said...

Hey Staci! Your boy is getting so big :)Glad you can join in the party this year!

Cathy said...

Happy party to you! Thanks for visiting my blog. You have a cute little guy! Going back to check out more of your posts. :)

Jenn said...

600 is not bad...I'm 1,333!! :D

Hope you are having fun at the UBP!

Jenni ("Miss Tutu")
My UBP blog post: How to Make a Tutu blog - hope you will stop by and say hi! :) and Mom Blogger $100 Cash Contest

Melinda said...

Love that pic of your little boy! He's too cute! ;0)

Your blog looks just adorable -- I'm following now and looking forward to visiting again!

Party on! ;0)

Joelle {Island Homemaker} said...

Hi Staci! Thanks for visiting my little home in the blogosphere. So nice to meet you!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for stopping by and welcome to the Ultimate Blog Party! I'll have to check out those prizes. :)

Kel said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog party! I look forward to getting to know you better.

Michelle said...

Nice to meet visited me earlier..and i'm repaying that!

There are actually over 1000 signed up now.

Checking out your pop tart recipe. We love cooking around here.

Ms D said...

Hi Staci :) Happy party week hun!!!

Mominin said...

Nice to meet you! Your little boy is adorable. Have fun partying!

sandra said...

Thanks for visiting my blog! Come back any time!! Cute little boy!!

Brimful Curiosities said...

Saw your post on my blog reader and decided to pop in on the party. Always enjoy hearing what you have to say.

Julia said...

Hi, Staci. It is nice to meet you. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Isn't this fun! Have a wonderful Sunday.

Lynette said...

Thanks for stopping by! Your blog looks fun. Have a great time partying!

Kristen said...

Thanks for stopping by - Happy Blog Party to you :o)

Esther said...

Thanks for stopping by!
Great blog!

Cascia Talbert said...

Just stopping by from the UBP. Thanks for visiting Healthy Moms. Have a wonderful weekend!

Jena Webber said...

Hi, thanks for visiting my blog also. I like your header. Original, funny blog.

Kate said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog! Nice to "meet" you - your little boy is beautiful!

Kris said...

Hi Staci. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I've read yours before, I'm sure. But its always nice to come back.

Nanette ~ A Mom Blog said...

Hi Staci.

It's nice to meet you. Your photos are really nice. I took a few minutes to take a look around. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Always great to meet new bloggers.

Enjoy the rest of the UBP!

Molly said...

Nice to "meet" you! Love your blog.

Thanks for stopping by! Happy UBP!

Allison @ Alli 'n Son said...

Love your blog, I feel like I could have written this post. Off to subscribe.

Haasiegirl said...

Stacie, you are not a bad personal ad! Btw, i havent seen a pic of your son in a bit and he is so so handsome!! I would offer charlotte up as a wife, but she isnt ever allowed to get married or leave home. LOL

Check out MomDots New Kids Fashion Blog Posts!

Jill said...

Thanks for stopping by Frugal Plus for the UBP10 Fun!

It's nice to meet you :)

Inspired2cook said...

Good to meet you! Thanks for stopping by my blog. Happy UBP!!!

Chicagolandia said...

Just poppin' by from UBP - still rtying to get over the post about your salad occupant. Yech!

Katie said...

Nice to meet you! I think blogging about the things you love is the only reason to blog! Sharing your passions always draw people in.

Jaime said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog! Your little boy is super cute! I love photography and baking too! I'm following you now! Jaime @

Jana @sidetrackd said...

Nice to meet you. Thanks for stopping by Sidetrack'd. Enjoy the party!

Amy said...

cute blog, thanks for stopping by and seeing mine too. Hope you aee having a nice party week!

Anne said...

I'm returning your UBP visit, thanks for stopping by my blog. Your pictures look great, I love the cat picture you posted for wordless wednesday.