Hope, Faith and Charlie: An Inspirational Journey tells one mother's story. Written by mom, Deirdre Carey, the book follows their family's struggles with childhood cancer. She takes readers through Charlie's diagnosis and treatment, battles and successes.

Through 21 months of chemo and 10 surgeries, Carey shows how the love of family, trust in her own instincts, and the strength of one little boy can prevail. She shows that faith and hope can get you through any struggle life leads you to.
Hope, Faith and Charlie is an amazing read. I found myself in tears on many occasions, my heart breaking for their struggles. Carey's way with words makes you feel as though you are right there with her, cheering on Charlie.
The book takes you on an emotional roller coaster, but I would recommend it to anyone going through a tough life challenge, to every mom who needs to renew their faith. It will force you to re-evaluate, to see things in a different light.

Miracles do happen. As one doctor told us before my husband had gastric bypass. "I don't know what your faith is but once I close you up and everything's dark inside there's healing going on that doesn't come from me that I have no control over". Those words gave me so much confidence in that doctor because he KNEW he wasn't God and didn't pretend to be.
Sounds like a good book. I'm glad to hear that some of the proceeds go to a good cause too. All the more reason to make the purchase.
Just reading about sick kids makes me teary-eyed, but how wonderful that this story had a happy ending!
That sounds like a really great book! Thanks for the review.
That does sound like a great book. It makes me a little teary just thinking about it.
Wow, that looks like a happy book and a tear jerker.
That looks like a wonderful book. I will have to read it.
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