We headed out to the bent and dent grocery store this week. It's a huge store with all kinds of stuff from boxes that were damaged in shipping. The prices are incredibly low, and you never know what you'll find there.
I love
Yes To Carrots shampoos, but I'm not a huge fan of the price ($7.99/bottle).

Well, this week they had ton of Yes To Carrots products. I got 4 bottles of shampoo and conditioner and a tub of moisturizing mud for a total of $8.50. In the regular store, it would have totaled about $44.
And I'm such a nerd, nothing makes me happy like new shampoo or new socks.
Did you find a steal this week? Tell them about it over at
Steals and Deals.
Thanks for sharing your great deal Staci! Please email me your snail mail info at ajcmeyer @ go dot com and I will send you out the dvd Hero of the Rails!
We have one of these stores too! I hit it up every couple of weeks! Great finds! I found tuna steaks there. a box of 30 steaks for less than 10 bucks! We bought a bunch! I love the broken box store!!!
I love what it's called 'Yes To Carrots'!! Made me giggle :)
I wish we had one of these stores by me.
What an awesome deal. I keep hearing about the brand but haven't tried it yet. Such an awesome deal!
BTW- I got the wet ones a few weeks ago in the mail. Thank you!!
Your "Bent and Dent" store sounds awesome! I totally agree, new shampoo and socks are the best!
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