We recently had the opportunity to take the
WAT-AAH! challenge. Luckily, the Gibbon wasn't alerted by the UPS man ringing the doorbell, or he would have been trying to open the package on his own. Instead, I managed to sneak the box past him and get the WAT-AAH! bottles in the fridge.

When snack time rolled around that afternoon, I told him he could pick out a drink from the fridge. He drinks water throughout the day, but usually has juice or milk at snack time. He didn't reach for either this time. Instead, he went right for the WAT-AAH! asking, "Is this for me?"
As soon as I answered, he was ready to start chugging! Well, after a brief pause to imitate the face on the bottle. WAT-AAH! is a huge hit with my 4-year-old.

Wondering what
WAT-AAH! is? WAT-AAH! is pure, clean water. It contains electrolytes to help keep the body balanced and calcium to aid in strong bones. It comes in an attractive, BPA-free bottle that definitely got my little one's attention!
My challenge is going to be posted later today. We had similar results here.
BTW, I love the picture of Gibbon imitating the kid on the bottle!
I would have thought it was water from Massachusetts. :-) Looks like he enjoyed it! Sounds good to me too.
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