Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Wordless Wednesday: The Ducks


Paula said...

aww so cute! I wanna pick them up and snuggle them

Kathy said...


NotJustBabyBrain said...

Aww, they look so fuzzy and sweet!

Allison @ Alli 'n Son said...

Awww, so cute and fuzzy.

Momstart said...

I love that too!

Kat @ For the Love of Chaos said...

Those are sooooooooooooo cute... and so fuzzy haha :)

Kat @ For the Love of Chaos said...

LOL I just realized everyone said they are cute and fuzzy already; oops LOL :) Well, I guess a TON of great minds are thinking alike tonight hehe

Anonymous said...

awww so cute...Happy WW!

Muthering Heights said...

They are SO cute!

Stylist A said...

How cute are they!!! Happy WW

Candace said...

They are adorable!!!

Annie said...

so fluffy and soft! My brother in law has 4 kids and they just recently used an incubator to hatch like a dozen ducks! Now they built a duck house for them. I don't know why....pets perhaps? Just cracks me up

Cathi said...

Absolutely adorable! A true sign that spring is here!

Cathi said...
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Unknown said...

So cute! My youngest daughter is obsessed with duckies she would love this pic!

Run DMT said...

Oh my goodness. How adorable!

Anonymous said...

They look like they are having trouble deciding where to go. The duck chief must still be sleeping.

Unknown said...

How cute!!! My mom used to give us baby ducks ever year for Easter They were so fun to watch. Of course now she has a farm full of ducks. LOL

Sara said...

Awe.. makes me wanna just scoop 'em up and carry them around in my pocket! Happy WW, Hun! :)

My Trendy Tykes said...

I want one!

Cute pics : )

Serendipity is Sweet said...

So cute! We're awaiting the baby goslings at our nearby lake. Such fun to watch with the kids :)

CalgaryDaddy said...

Great Shots... they are super cute!

A few years ago, a Mom and her ducklings stopped traffic on a busy road I was on when they decided to cross the street!

MommiesSavings said...

awww such cute little ducks.

Susan Cook said...

Those are so cute! I want to cuddle one :)

happy ww♥

Marice said...

this is really cute. the photo is somehow illuminating :)

u may view mine here

Katie said...

I just love baby animals - so cute!

Faythe said...

Aww, such cute little quackers!

Amanda said...

They're so cute when they're little and fluffy. I'm hoping to get some baby duck pics when we go up to the old house next time.

Yankee Girl ~ Missy said...

Those are frickin cute!!! Thanks for sharing!

kanishk said...
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