In our house, the 12 days of Christmas are celebrated with the visit of a sneaky, secret elf. He comes late at night and leaves a little present to be found the next morning. The little elf loves books, so each night he wraps a few up, adds a note, and leaves them somewhere around the house for GM.

Today, being the first day, GM was very surprised to find a gift leaning against the fridge when he went to get some juice.

It didn't take him long to hightail it to the couch and tear off the wrapping paper. Inside, he found 3 new book, CareBears Christmas, Puppies, and Animal Families . Plus, some special velvet Christmas stickers.

I'm sure he'll be just as excited tomorrow when he discovers the elf has returned.
That is such a great little tradition. I love it that an elf leaves the present.
What a great little tradition!! I might have to "steal" that from you guys next year. :)
I can't imagine the looks on my kids faces knowing a sneaky elf was on the loose.
I love this idea! How cool!
BTW, left you an award on my site!
What a cute idea! I may do this next year! I'll have to tell my kids about it and tell them that he only comes when you've been SUPER good all year!
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