Thursday, July 23, 2009

Top 10 Reasons I am Excited to Stay Home with my Family This Coming Weekend

This weekend is a huge event for many, BlogHer '09. Unfortunately, it wasn't a possibility for me this year. Although, I'd love to go next year and meet many of the wonderful ladies I talk to online.
However, Cozi is sponsoring 15 moms who aren't going to BlogHer. We just need to tell them why we're happy to stay at home.

1. Lots of snuggles from my 4 year old. I've never been away from him, so I'm not sure how I'd handle going on a trip by myself.

2. A trip to the county fair on Saturday. Sharing funnel cakes with the hubby. A perfect date night.

3. The chance to sleep in my own bed. I'm partial to sheets I know are clean.

4. Potato picking on Saturday morning. So much more fun than it sounds. 3 kids, lots of dirt, and some fresh potatoes for next week.

5. Napping on Sunday afternoon. I look forward to it every week while hubby hangs out with the little one.

6. Pizza date with my sister Sunday night. Just for fun.

7. Playing in the sandbox with the kiddos. It's a weekly routine to spend hours out there making sand cakes. And it's actually fun.

8. Catching up on my posting and reading my favorite blogs. I feel so much more relaxed when I get things done.

9. Being able to stay in my pjs whenever I want.

10. Have a chance to check out Cozi, a site dedicated to helping you get organized. I could definitely use the help.

How are you planning to spend your weekend?

And if you leave a comment on this post to help me win, I'll give you 5 extra entries into my current contests-just be sure to add 5 entries there after you comment here. Thanks!


simply_unique said...

Have a great non Blogher weekend!

Susan G. said...

Just fun with the kids and a movie with hubby !

Kimberly said...

Great idea with the extra entries.

I wish I was going to BlogHer. Maybe next year.

Gena said...

Enjoy your weekend!

candace said...

Lovin' the pizza date idea...I think I need to implement this into my normal schedule! Good luck!

Megan said...

I am getting a pedicure and spending time with my family!

Candace said...

Maybe next year I can go to blogher too!

Susan York Meyers said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog:-)

God Bless,

Princess Hairstyles said...

Good luck with the contest! I completely agree with you on the sheet thing. I like my own bed! (Not to mention the hotel carpets, um yuck!!)

Mad Mom said...

Love the post! Good luck!

Unknown said...

Have a good weekend!

Shannon said...

Have a good weekend! :) Potato picking sounds fun.

Henrietta said...

I had never heard of BlogHer until a month or so ago :) Hope you get a chance for next year!

Tiffany said...

The fair AND funnel cakes? Sounds fabulous :)

Amanda said...

Potato picking is fun. My cousins and I always liked it as kids because it involved dirt.

koreen (aka: winn) said...

You had me at #5! LOL. Unfortunately I haven't even thought about BlogHer, but now I'm starting to think about what a wonderful opportunity to meet in person the people that I've found here. I have some particular favorites... ;)

Hope you have a great weekend with all your activities planned. =)

Erin Tales said...

Have fun at the County Fair!

I am hoping for a Non BlogHer Sponsorship too!

Felicia said...

Yes... snuggling is definitely a priority!!! :)

Kelli said...

We take a nap almost every Sunday and it is pure joy! I'm a homebody so this is right up my alley.

Amanda said...

I don't know about your other contests, but I wanted to say I liked your list. I would love to one day go to a blogging conference, I am sure they are tons of fun!

Hootin Anni said...

Nothing like staying home/doing things with... and enjoying family all weekend. The county fairs are always so much fun.

Thanks for stopping by today.

Chanda said...

Have a great weekend! I think I am too new to blogging as I cannot seem to get excited about BlogHer! Maybe I will feel differently next year as I meet more great bloggers! Have fun at the fair, we are going to one tonight to enjoy the funnel cake goodness (though I am determined to not eat a whole one myself since I've gained 10 pounds these last couple of months...good luck to me!)

Frantic Holly said...

Hope you have a great weekend

Sandy said...

I could go for a funnel cake right now! Have a great weekend:0)

Anonymous said...

I think I've been inspired to try some of your ideas. I'm in for: staying in my PJs and taking a nap. I didn't know anything about Cozi before, but get organized is a rotating goal - - that and losing 10 pounds. Good luck!

KayceeT said...

I hope you have a great weekend at home! Thanks for stopping by my blog! I plan to stay home all weekend and work on potty training...I have great feeling about this! lol!

Stacie said...

Sounds like a really fun weekend. I am not going to BlogHer either. I hope to get next year.

A said...

Happy Weekend! :)

Jen said...

Hopefully my husband and I will be going on the date that we "planned" but we know how that goes :) Thanks for stopping by. Enjoy your weekend! Off to read more of your blog :)

Knit Purl Gurl said...

Great list! Potato picking? Sounds like fun! :)

Sarah VM said...

I'm spending my weekend wishing I was anywhere but home! Good luck!

Anonymous said...

i don't get the whole blogher thing but maybe it's just me :) your weekend sounds more fun but... potato picking??? really??? lol

Kristin said...

sounds like a wonderful weekend! thanks for stopping by my blog. good luck!

Sarah said...

I'm all for PJs and cuddles from the little ones are great too. Here's to a fabulous weekend - BlogHer or no BlogHer.

Night Owl Mama said...

Swing by from MOM dot to help you out

Great list
Have a great weekend

Help me out to please hope we both win a card

JessNBP said...

Sounds like some wonderful moments. I've never gone potato picking before I'd like to see pictures of that.

Christy aka The Write Gal said...

The Sunday afternoon nap is on my list too. I love naps! Have a great weekend. :)

Night Owl Mama said...

Returning the comment luv thanks for comment by luv your reasons too :)

Bloggymommy said...

Staying in pjs is always good! :) Have a great weekend w/ your family! We're doing BBQ at my parents on Sunday!

Jen L. said...

That sounds like an awesome weekend! Have a blast at the county fair!

Liz Mays said...

Pj's and naps! That's a perfect weekend!

I'm sharing the comment love from MomDot!
Here's my post

Lizzie said...

I haven't been to a fair in forever!

Anonymous said...

I truly hope you win!

Mad Mom said...

Sounds great! Hope you had a nice weekend! Thanks for the comment support :)

Unknown said...

I'm partial to sleeping in my own bed too! Hope you had a good weekend and good luck on the $100.

Please share the comment love:

Frugal New England Kitchen said...

Hoping to go to BlogHer10 in NYC next year!

Visiting from MomDot

Enjoy your trip to the county fair - I've only had funnel cakes once up in Rochester NY

Here's mine:
So I’m Not Going To BlogHer - Top 10 Reasons I Am Excited to Stay Home with My Family this Coming Weekend

Unknown said...

Not only do I hope you win, but I also hope I get to meet you next year in NYC for the next BlogHer convention.OOOOOH and I bacame a follower too, LOL

Stacy Uncorked said...

That is a great list!! Wish I were taking a nap this afternoon... ;)

Hope we make the top 15! :) It would be so great to meet you next year!

Here's mine:
Top 10 Reasons I Am Excited To Stay Home With My Family This Weekend