Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Wordless Wednesday

Silly Boy

Check out more WW at MomDot


Jess NBP said...

LOL Looks like he's having fun.

Angie Vinez said...

That's great! Love the hat, too!

Anonymous said...

too funny!

Kim @ What's That Smell said...

You need to add some snowflakes! That's what my son does to catch snowflakes!

The Mud Bug said...

Good thing there wasn't a pole there, lol.

Jenny said...

Hooray for catching snow! He looks like he's ready. Happy WW!

Simply AnonyMom said...

I love catching snow on my tongue!

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

Oh, that's either fun, or trouble!

Anonymous said...

Boys will be boys...

SarahHub said...

So cute - both the silly boy and the hat!

danette said...

That is too cute!

Amanda said...

Reminds me of the kid from A Christmas Story that gets his tongue stuck to the pole.

Cathy said...

LOL! Did he catch anything??

Tina said...

Too cute.

Andrea said... picture. ;)