Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Wordless Wednesday: Time for a Change


Christy aka The Write Gal said...

I love the caterpillar pic. Happy WW!

Rhonda Gales said...

Love the caterpillar picture too. Nice shots.

Simply Being Mommy said...

Oh wow! Great pics with the catepillar.

Cheryl said...

What GREAT pictures!!! I love it!

Anonymous said...

Awesome photos. The catepillar is great! Happy WW :O)

Unknown said...

Amazing pictures! Happy WW!

Sarah said...

Wow! Did Gibbon get to see it all the way through yet? That is awesome!!

Staci A said...

Not yet (we found them in all different stages), but he took caterpillars into his kindergarten class so they can all watch them change. They're all so excited!

Rhea@mommy23monkeys said...

Those are some really cool shots. I hope you catch it hatching out.

Brimful Curiosities said...

We saw a fuzzy white with black dots caterpillar on our walk today. Fascinating.

Kasey@All Things Mamma said...

OH WOW! I've never seen that in person! That's so cool!

Bridgette said...

Great pictures! Thanks for sharing!!!

Liz Mays said...

That is really cool!

Michelle @Flying Giggles said...

I am loving these pics. They are amazing. Great job capturing this!

Run DMT said...

Great photos! I love the caterpillar pic. Happy WW!

Unknown said...

wow those are beautiful pictures! We love watching the butterflies come out of the cocoons.

Cassie said...

Those pictures are awesome! I love the caterpillar one especially.

Sara Elizabeth said...

Oh man, what awesome photos. That one of the caterpillar upclose is amazing. Those colors are so cool.

Marianna said...

Those are great pictures, very cool!

The Mud Bug said...

Very cool pictures! Happy WW!


Anonymous said...

Wow, those are some pretty awesome photos - how cool to get to see!

The Shopping Mama said...

That is so cool! Great photos.

Rob said...

Awesome pictures!!

Happy WW!

kasandria said...

The caterpillar is amazing!
Happy WW!

Kitty - Coupon Divas said...

Oh wow! What cool pics.

Shellie said...

Great pictures, hope you can catch it emerging too

Not So Average Mama said...

Excellent pictures~

Gena said...

Great Pics!!

Jessie said...

Great shots! Happy WW mama!

Marina K. Villatoro said...

What a pretty girl... but what really caught my aye was that caterpillar, i've only seen them on TV :)

Bloggymommy said...

Great pics! That caterpillar is too cool!

Chrissy said...

Oh, what a great Wordless Wednesday! I agree with the caterpillar - the upcoming season is definitely bringing with it time for some changes. :-)

Anonymous said...

What awesome pictures! I love them!

Catherine @ The Blonde Diaries said...

Oh that is so exciting. I hope you are able to take a photo in the spring so we can see what he turns into. Great photos!

Frantic Holly said...

What a great series of shots! Love the caterpillar shot.

Unknown said...

Wow! That is the real deal. I stare at the photos on my counselors wall of metamorphosis...this is too cool!

Brittany and Charlie-Social Butterfly said...

Loveing those pics! I want to see the butterfly:)

renee said...

Those are great! Love the caterpillar!