So many things to confess...
I hate Play-Doh. Hate it. With a passion.
Unfortunately, my son absolutely loves it. So being a bad mommy, I have lied and told him it's all dried out, I can't find it, it got too hot and melted. (Yeah, I was desperate.) Any excuse I could come up with to get out of playing with it.
I even sent ALL the Play-Doh to grandma's so she could have the joy of playing with it. And then I could say no, without an immense feeling of guilt.

i am so happy my eco friendly list keeps growing
I must be a bad mommy too because the stuff drives me crazy!
But there is one thing that I hate even more - MOON SAND! Have you tried it? DON'T!
So glad there was a compromise;)
I used to hate Playdough until some one got us Moon Sand. I agree with Sharon, that stuff is evil. Just plain evil.
OMG! I was thinking the.same.thing I stepped on a rock hard piece of dried play-doh on the floor :(
You can make your own play-dough. It doesn't smell bad. In fact I think you can add powdered kool-aide to it to make it smell good. And its homemade so its completely safe if they eat it. I posted a recipe a while back on my blog. Its cheep to make too.
I like the idea of the eco-friendly play-dough! I have used a couple of the excuses that you have when it comes to playing with play-dough :D
Hey there
I am working on an awards post and I am about to put up one for you!
LOL...I hate when it starts to get dried out and it crumbles...all the pieces end up on the floor. That means it is trash time.
I have come up with a few excuses myself when it comes to my daughter wanting to play play-doh.
hmmm, i didn't know that smelled.
I'm with you, we don't even have any in the house. My poor 3 year old!
That stuff is not allowed in my house, there was many times my kids would get it for gifts and I would toss it in the trash! I hate that stuff , my poor children
My kids are into the stage where they wouldn't eat Play Doh but I can see me not liking it, they have enough things to make a huge mess with!
I hate it too!!! omg, even tho she got this "nice" (my husband's reference not mine!) 6 pk for her b/day months ago, after her first time playing (or making a mess) I threw away 2 of the the 5 mos that's she's had them, she's probably only played w/them 5 times & right now, there are only 2 containers left! I HATE IT!!
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