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Small Talk Six, today’s topic is
“if you had magical sunglasses, name 6 things you would like to see with them.” You can answer this with a list of 6 words, 6 phrases, 6 sentences, 6 paragraphs, 6 photos, 6 videos, etc . . .
1. I'd love to see some of the "firsts" with my son again. First smile, first word, first steps.

2. I'd love to be able to check in on other family members, who live far away. Just to be sure they're okay.
3. I'd like to see my hubby as a child. I have next to no pictures of him growing up, and he doesn't talk about it often. I think it would be interesting to see.
4. I'd like to glimpse a few moments from my own high school days. There were some that I wouldn't mind seeing again.

5. I'd love to see how I look through other people's eyes. I know that sounds strange, but I wonder if others see me the same way I do when I look in the mirror.
6. Finally, I'd like to see my wedding day over again. It was such an amazing day, I wish we had more photos.
Great list! You are all legs, girl! Have a great weekend!
Mary Hart has nothing on your legs!!
I love your number 1.
Nothing can beat Number ! - - Love it!!!
What a great list! My daughter's first years were such a blur {and she's only 4} I would love to see her firsts again!
Love your list!And pictures are so cool :)
I like this, so many people do it with pictures! Next time I am going to try that too..
I like your list,
Thank you for stopping by my blog.
Number One is my favorite, hands down! Looking back at high school...don't think I could be so brave, hehe. Love the last one too.
Very thoughtful...thanks for sharing.
Your number 5 is awesome. I love that idea.
I like numbers 1 and 5... can totally relate. I think it's good to get out of one's mindset and get a fresh perspective.
I think this is my favorite list so far. Great job on it and # 5 would be an especially interesting one...
That is a great list! And your wedding photo is gorgeous. You two look so deeply in love. Just as it should be.
This requires too much thinking for me. lol. But I THOROUGHLY enjoyed all your pics! LOVE that wedding photo! Very, very nice!
what a great idea for a post! I am going to do one later this week and link back to you, if that's ok!
your wedding shot is beautiful!
Great post. I love the one about seeing your wedding day again. Mine just went by so so fast! I'd love to see it all over again.
I like your list, I'd like to take a look in on my wedding again too. And your little boy is adorable!
That's a fantastic list. I can't think of anything better.
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