Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Wordless Wednesday: Looking Back

Our 2007 camping trip...


Simply Being Mommy said...

Look how little he was! I love looking back at old pics!

Rhonda Gales said...

I've been looking back at old pictures all week. Great memories for me, and it looks like for you too.

Erin said...

That hat on your smily son is TDF! Camping looks like such fun!

Marianna said...

Wow, great pictures! And he is just too cute for words.

~Sandy~ said...

it's always great looking through older pics...i love his sweet little smile too :)

The Shopping Mama said...

Great photos. Your little guy was / is so cute!

Rhea@mommy23monkeys said...

I love looking back on older pictures, too. Where did you go camping? We love to camp. Nice pictures.

Bridgette said...

What great pics!

Sarah said...

I bet it seems like yesterday. Great pictures!

Brimful Curiosities said...

So fun to look back.

Joy said...

Adorable! But I have to ask, and please don't hate me if I'm wrong, but is that a colander on his head? It does make a pretty cute hat either way.

Happy WW!

Becca said...

Wait...now I don't know if that is a hat or a colander LOL I was gonna comment on how cute it was!

Ms D said...

AWW! So sweet! Happy WW :)

kailani said...

That hats looks great on him!

Sara Elizabeth said...

I love that first photo. Happy WW!

Jessie said...

Great shots - old pictures bring back such great memories and always make me smile :)

Anonymous said...

What a great idea for WW. I think I'll looks through some oldies next week!

Kitty - Coupon Divas said...

Great pictures! I have been meaning to go back through old pictures - my anniversary is this weekend and I am trying to find a wedding pic!

Unknown said...

What a cutie!

TheAtticGirl said...

Looks like you had a fun camping trip! Love your son's smile!


Staci A said...

Joy & Becca,
It is a colander! We were stuck in a camper & trying to keep him entertained! lol

Lizzie said...

I adore that first picture.

koreen (aka: winn) said...

Great memories. =)

Barely Domestic Mama said...

Wow. Your little man has grown since then! :)

Happy WW!

Liz Mays said...

What a doll he was!

sheila said...

That driftwood is gorgeous! Your little one is sooooo cute!

Susie said...

Those are GORGEOUS memories!!

Daisy @ Lil Hiccups said...

Oh I wish I could go camping! One day with Ryan is older maybe!

Great Pics!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful pictures!!! Happy WW Thanks for stopping by!

Trisha said...

I love that last pic! Such a cute smile!

Kelli said...

Beautiful pictures. We love comaping too! Thanks for the comment on my blog :)

The Buntens said...

Oh, those are beautiful shots!

Ali said...

Thanks! Your photos are great, your little guy is so cute, they grow so fast! And I just love the flower photo, gorgeous =)

Beth said...

What a little mister!! They grow too fast don't they!!

Karen MEG said...

What great shots, and such, such a cutie!

Bloggymommy said...

Great pics! Your little man is so cute in all your photos! I love seeing them! Happy WW to ya! ;)

Jenny said...

It is so fun looking back at older pictures!

DJ said...

Looks like it was a great trip!

Jill from Killeny Glen said...

Love the GREAT outdoors AND what a cute little guy!

Sky said...

Awwww...Great pictures!

Jingle said...

Look at that big grin! So cute! That top photo is beautiful!

Amber said...

You're little boy is too cute! Thanks for the comment.

Gem said...

Looks like he really enjoyed camping!

Toni said...

Looks like some fun memories. That's what life's about :)

Buffie said...

I love your pictures and his hat.

Susan Cook said...

Beautiful pics - so cool.

I love camping! Happy WW!

Kimberly said...

Gosh, what a smile! :)

Danielle (Life with the Hewitt Family) said...

Beautiful pictures! Looks like someone was have a wonderful time too.

Brittany and Charlie-Social Butterfly said...

Aw that looks like a serene place to visit!

renee said...

Those are some great pics, especially that cute smile at the end!

Sherry said...

love his smile!

Tara said...

i love "looking back"...great pics!

Knit Purl Gurl said...

Gorgeous photos!

Erin @ Closing Time said...

Your son is adorable! Great photos!! :)

Catherine @ The Blonde Diaries said...

Great photos. I just love his smile. He looks so happy and natural in that photography.

MrsM said...

Those are great pictures! Did you take them yourself?

Thanks for stopping by my blog today =)

Anonymous said...

Love the pix!

Kimberly said...

Camping... wow! Beautiful!

Serendipity is Sweet said...

What gorgeous photos! It must have been a great trip.

Banteringblonde said...

love that smile!

B said...

Beautiful...and he is darn cute too.

Tattooed Dork said...

He is too cute!

Sherry @ Lamp Unto My Feet said...

He is too cute! :D

GiraffeGal213 said...

Great pics! The first two are beautiful and the little guy in the last one is just too cute! Love the hat :)

Annie said...

What a great smile! I love your nature pics too.

Amy Clary said...

Beautiful photos. :) It's always fun to reminisce.