Was it really just yesterday morning that I was annoyed that he was running late for school? Yelling at him to eat faster?
Why is it that it takes a tragedy to remind us of how much we have?
Last night we heard news of Shellie's loss. Her two year old tragically passed away yesterday afternoon. Just typing those words makes my heart ache. I can't imagine why God would take such a little soul...
It's been amazing to see both the Twitter community and the MomDot family surrounding her with love. Coming together in the light of this horrible event to do what they can.

I keep thinking about the little things that I harp on my kids about or that frustrate me (like right now it is taking my 6 year old 2 hours to eat a hot dog)...and seen against the backdrop of what Shellie is going through...they are so trivial and I should be GLAD my kid is here annoying me...
that wasn't very eloquent..but I think it made sense...
I agree it is weird how a tragedy makes us as people see what is really important. Thanks for sharing.
I have been praying for her and her family. It's just so heartbreaking!
Such a great reminder!
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