Thursday, January 28, 2010

Add More ~ing Review & Giveaway

I'll admit it...I'm a self-help book junkie! Most days I would pick up a self-help book before any others. It's not that I always follow their advice, but they fascinate me. For whatever reason, I always get wrapped up in them, and in the end, I always take something important from within the pages.

Add More ~ing To Your Life by Gabrielle Bernstein is one of the more upbeat, positive books I've found lately. With a tagline that reads: A Hip Guide to Happiness, should I have really expected any differently?! (Okay, and it has the cutest, eye-catching cover ever.)
I started reading the book while waiting for my computer to get cleaned early this week. I was frustrated after getting hit with a computer virus, annoyed that I had to spend my day running around trying to get it fixed. Luckily, I had brought along my copy of Add More ~ing To Your Life, because it got me through what could have been a maddening afternoon. Honestly, I didn't even realize I had been at the computer shop for almost two hours because I was so absorbed in the book.

About the book:
Become a glass-half full kind of person with Bernstein’s "~ing Equation." It’s a thirty-day adventurous repetition of physical activity, positive affirmations and creative visualization that will bulldoze your negative thought patterns to create constructive change and move you forward. From releasing romantic illusions to stretching beyond your ego, the ~ing Equation can be applied to an infinite number of areas to reach serenity and set yourself free.

Test-drive the three simple steps of the ~ing Equation:
  • Rethinking – Retell your stories and actively replace negative thoughts with upbeat ideas. Unhealed issues are the ego’s playground for nasty self-beliefs – don’t let these beliefs overpower your new thoughts.
  • Moving – Match up a physical activity with each area of life that needs a makeover to allow a change in those negative aspects on both a mind and body level.
  • Receiving x 30 days – Start by meditating to let go of the left brain’s practicality and welcome the right brain’s intuition and creativity. Immediately following, do a stream-of-consciousness "~ing writing" exercise, an opportunity to spill those unconscious thoughts onto the page. The thirty-day repetition of the ~ing Equation will allow you to truly experience results.
I love the real life experiences Bernstein provides throughout the book. And at times, it was almost as if she could read my mind. While reading about forgiveness, I kept thinking of situations where I wouldn't be able to forgive a person. But within just a few pages, she had addressed the concerns in my head.

Add More ~ing To Your Life provides such an easy to follow, positive spin on life. This is one self-help book that I've taken quite a bit from. I'm excited to put her ideas into practice and see how beneficial it can be in my life as well. I can't wait to turn myself into an ~ing girl too.

Buy It:
Add More ~ing To Your Life retails for $14.99

Win It:
One lucky reader will win a copy of the book.

To enter: Visit Add More ~ing and tell me one thing you learned.

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Giveaway ends 2/6 at 11:59 pm EST. Winner will be notified via email. Open to US only.

A copy of the book was provided for review. All opinions are my own.


Anonymous said...
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Barely Domestic Mama said...

Each activity in her book offers an opportunity for the reader to experience a state of flow that cannot be accessed idly sitting in front of their computer screen. - Sounds like this is definitely a book I need to read. :)

Barely Domestic Mama said...

I follow you on Blogger.

Barely Domestic Mama said...

I've got your button on my blog sidebar.

Barely Domestic Mama said...

I follow you on Twitter - barelydomestic

Barely Domestic Mama said...

I tweeted at

Nicole Feliciano said...

I love how she works in fitness to the book. Would love to read the entire thing!

Kasey@ All Things Mamma said...

This looks really good! I will pick up a copy if I don't win one! : )

I learned that she also has a website that is made for women to join and empower each other!

Kasey@ All Things Mamma said...

I follow on Twitter

Lala77 said...

I learned that she also has a site where women mentor and empower one another. Also, I like that the book places some emphasis on physical activity.

Christina said...

Christina - - I learned about, where women can help each other!

erma said...

I learned that she has a site where women mentor and empower one another.

Nickolay said...

I learned "Gabrielle was just one year out of college, when she co-founded the Women’s Entrepreneurial Network, a non-profit professional organization that connects female entrepreneurs."


Nickolay said...

Twitter follower



Nickolay said...



Anonymous said...

She created the site

Anonymous said...

Gabrielle was just one year out of college, when she co-founded the Women’s Entrepreneurial Network, a non-profit professional organization that connects female entrepreneurs. Thanks.


Anonymous said...

I learned that Gabrielle has a degree in theater from Syracuse University!
This looks like such a great book:)
Amanda Barnes

Anonymous said...

She founded a mentoring network to empower and guide young women.

Dawn Reid said...

Each activity in her book offers an opportunity for the reader to experience a state of flow that cannot be accessed idly sitting in front of their computer screen.


cman said...

Her site is called

lilyk said...

I learned that Gabrielle has been featured in media outlets such as The New York Times Sunday Styles, Marie Claire Magazine, Crain’s, NBC10!, WPIX11, NYBTV, WCBS2, Fox & Friends, PBS “To The Contrary”, Fox Strategy Room, Wall Street Journal, AdWeek, Sirius Satellite Radio, Am-NY and New York Moves Magazine.

Anonymous said...

Good dispatch and this enter helped me alot in my college assignement. Thank you seeking your information.