Friday, September 4, 2009

Small Talk Six: When I Grow Up...

Today’s Small Talk Six topic is “6 jobs you think would be a blast to have.” You can answer this with a list of 6 words, 6 phrases, 6 sentences, 6 paragraphs, 6 photos, 6 videos, etc . . .

1. A mom, of course. Though I complain now and then, this is my dream job.

2. A food critic. Getting paid to eat (mostly) delicious meals and tell people what I think. Perfect.

3. A children's book author. I've always loved reading kids book, and have so many ideas. I just never took the time to pursue it.

4. A race car driver. I love my cars sleek and fast. If there weren't all those wrecks, I'd be all over it.

5. A yoga instructor. Spending the day working out and relaxing. Just say ohm baby.

6. A pro soccer player. It was always my goal growing up and I'd love to get back into it.

Want to join in? Go here to learn how and to view the weekly list Small Talk Six topics for 2009.


Susan York Meyers said...

As a children's book author I can tell you it's a fabulous job... and it's never to late to start!:-)

God Bless,

Lulu said...

i like to be a food critic too... please visit my entry

I am Harriet said...

I would love to be a Yoga instructor.

Have a great Saturday.

Maria@Conversations with Moms said...

I love the children's author one. It would be amazing to help enhance the imagination of all these children.

B said...

Love how you listed "Mom" in there.

Never thought about how awesome the food taster or yoga instructor would be!

Kelly said...

Oooo a children't book auther. Thats a good one. Great List. Happy STS

here's mine

Anonymous said...

I see we both want to be a Food Critic. I think that would be a blast.

Lucy said...

Nice, race car driver. Now that would be fun. Heres mine


Anonymous said...

Hmmm, food critic, I would be as big as a house! I could eat for days if they food is good enough!

Deni said...

I like your list - I'd love to be a food critic, but there are a lot of foods I don't really like! Oh well - if it was a dessert critic - i'd be all over that! said...

We agree on the Race Car Driver and the mom thing!

annies home said...

wow a pro soccer player that sounds exciting and fun

Heather said...

I wish your #5 would be a fun job for me, I need an all day workout!
It's never too late, write your children's book now!

Jendi said...

I've always thought it'd be fun to write a children's book. I like the lady that said it's never too late.

I agree that even though I complain about the kids - I always wanted to be a mother.


Oh WOW, this is so clever - you have the most gorgeous site here and I had to stop by to leave this comment for you – and to say hello of course ! Your posts are creative and original and you have interesting pictures. It's all perfect ! Thank you for sharing your site and best wishes....

Chrissy said...

That's a really interesting list! It's a fun thing to think about. I'd take any of the first 3, but I doubt I'd be any good at 4-6. (Although based on your descriptions I can see the appeal!)