Sunday, December 13, 2009

Dreaming of...

I hate dreaming at night.

I know that sounds awful, but I never have the happy, sunshine and puppy dog dreams. At least if I do, I never remember them. Instead, I have the awful, nightmare-but-seems-so-real kind of dreams.

Night after night this week, I've woken up in a sweat, terrified that something is wrong. Each night, I have these dreams that feel so real. Even once I'm awake, I can't shake the feeling that all is not well. I force myself out of bed, check on everyone, and try to go back to sleep. But I find myself falling right back into the nightmare again.

I wish I could just get one good night of rest. I wish I could sleep without dreaming. And I wish I could shake this feeling that something's wrong.


Robin G said...

Sorry to hear you are having such sleep troubles :(

I only get like that when I'm stressed out over something, in my waking life & I find the dreams aren't always related to what I'm worried about.

sheila said...

That happens sometimes. It sucks. You'll shake it. Try going to bed thinking that everything is sunshine and roses. :)

Unknown said...

I too have trouble sleeping but I can often remember my dreams. Stress is a big trigger of sleeplessness

Beeb said...

Sending big hugs your way. That kind of thing happens to me often, so I commiserate. Feel better soon.