Saturday, September 20, 2008

Photo Hunt: Road

The road well-traveled:
And the road less-traveled:


stan said...

that's a postcard finish shot! nice one there!

Anonymous said...

great find!

happy hunting!

Wade Huntsinger said...

Oh that is so nice with the young lad. It seems like a slow paced road.

Anonymous said...

hi staci! i like both your photos! thnaks for dropping by my blog. enjoy the rest of the weekend!

Anonymous said...

What a great comparison of the two ideas! I love your choices for color and b/w as well.

Susan G. said...

Great shots...Love the hat ! BTW I grabbed your button ! Thanks for the visit ! :)

Powell River Books said...

Both are beautiful shots, but the second one captures my attention. I invite you to come see my pictures of a few roads less traveled. - Margy

Clara said...

I love your comparison of the two roads. I grew up on a road like the second one. It was great!

Karin said...

Both your shots are great, but the first one is my favourite - just awesome.