I've never been more excited to have a schedule in my life.
*I found this while cleaning:

*The Gibbon was hosting an imaginary bbq tonight, with cupcakes for dessert. He got 40, I got 40, and daddy got 2. Why? Because Daddy's getting fat. My fingers are crossed that our talk on why calling people fat isn't nice actually sunk in. Please, oh please, don't let him repeat that again!
*Oh, and we had one other loss in the house. Those exciting sprouts coming up just a few weeks ago...I forgot them. I'm sure taught the little one the importance of caring for other things. You don't care for them, they die. A sweet sentiment to teach my kid, right? I try.
We're taking much better care of our sunflowers though. Live and learn, right?

Glad to see you are back into your routine. My wife runs an in home daycare and I get home around 10:30am since I go to work at 12:30am I know me being home messes her up so I can understand how you feel. Also my 6 yr old son had a belt from one of his toys that I was trying to put on just playing around and he said I was too fat to wear that. Kind of funny but kind of not. So again I know how that goes also.
I'm impressed with all the cleaning you got done. Maybe I finally need to set a routine
I can relate! Isn't it odd how less efficient one becomes when hubby is around the house?!
Feels good to finally get stuff done, doesn't it. I've been so tired lately that it is hard to keep up with the housework around here. But yesterday I had a burst of energy and spent a couple of hours cleaning up my house. Now it looks great, but I know it won't take the kids long to mess it all up again.
Sorry to hear about your crayfish, catfish and plants.
Have a wonderful day!
I'm the same way - so much more gets done when I'm in a "normal" routine! (Although normal seems to change around here all the time, lately!)
We've had the bbq-cupcake type conversation, too. Kids can be so wonderfully (and embarrassingly) honest!
What and interesting week. And can I ask what that thing you found was?
Our households have been strangely parallel this week. I noticed the wilting sprouts right before it was too late, but the goldfish(s) wasn't as lucky.
It's spider my son made out of Benderoos. He made it "crawl" up our bakers rack to scare me, lol!
How do you get that blog roll? i would like to have that. I would put your super cute blog on it!
Funny how having the husband home throws everything off. I thought I was the only one that happened to. Thanks for stopping by my blog!
lol that's got to be a very clever creation my daughter loves those and I find stuff everywhere
I can't think of what they are called isn't that a shame Mommy brain strikes again
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