Today over at Small Talk Six, they want to know 6 things you always wondered about any of your teachers or professors when you were in school.
1. I always wondered if my 11th grade English teacher was truly crazy. She would dye her hair crazy colors, come to school in wacky clothes, and tell the most off the wall stories. I have no idea where she got her energy or "individuality" from.
2. I was curious if my 8th grade teacher ever lost his toupee. You always see in movies where people end up wearing it crooked or it blows off their head. I wanted to know if it ever happened in real life.
3. In college, I had a professor announce that he "loved moms" after I mentioned my son in class. I always wondered if he was hitting on me or if it just came out sounding odd.
4. In elementary school, I always wondered what teachers did all summer. Because, you know, they don't have anything else to do but teach. Ahh, to be young and uninformed.
5. When I was little, I wanted to know if my teachers felt bad when they yelled at someone or gave out bad grades. It just seemed like such a terrible thing to do, especially through the eyes of a 7 year old.
6. I had a professor once who gave me perfect scores on almost every test and paper-even when there were wrong answers. I always wondered why. (And no, it wasn't the same one from #3!)
What about your teachers made you wonder?
Wow you had some interesting teachers. I wish I had your #6 professor! Did you eventually slack off and not study for your tests? Maybe he was too lazy to actually check your work.
I've often wondered about the toupee thing myself.
You've had just as many interesting and odd teachers as I have. LOL
I always wonder about toupees too. And they really hurt as bad as I imagine they do? I am a nurse, but never worked in plastic surgery, so I always wonder about those kinds of procedures.
That's pretty funny. I had a drivers ed teacher who, every time our group of girls got into the drivers ed car and put on their seat belt...he'd have to 'help' and would always graze the breast.
Dirty old man. Gee, I wonder why he got canned?
Gotta wonder about the toupee.
OMGosh!! I forgot all about the "toupee thing" until I started reading small talk six posts....too funnny! I had a dirty old man as a teacher too...It makes me cringe just to think of him....eeewwwww!!
love the thought of your teacher with the many colors of hair reminds me of some more of the great but wacky teachers I had
Teacher number 6 would make me wonder too. He must have really like you.
I bet some terachers hated to give bad grades or yell. Im pretty sure I had a few that loved to yell and give F's. Believe me.
Your list is great also! I wish I had a teacher like your #6! WOW! My brother always got straight A's and I never did so it would have been nice! :)But I also have 3 sisters who are slackers like me so it's okay! LOL Have a nice weekend!
You had so interesting teachers!! I liked #1. Where did she get all her energy from?
Great list. Have a great day!
#1 must have been fun, and #6 must have had a hidden agenda
The more I read these I am beginning to notice a pattern -- most people had weird english or art teachers and at least one teacher with a toupee.. We should really take a poll on this LOL!
Great list! I always wondered about #5 too. My 2nd grade teacher used to grab kids by their ears and shove them into the pencil sharpener! I always wondered how she got away with that!!
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