Trish from Sweet 'n' Sassy Girls has sent me this:

Here is how the Brilliant Weblog Award works . . .
The person giving the award chooses blogs that they consider brilliant in their content or design. In return, the recipient is expected to choose a minimum of seven blogs that they like. They leave comments on these blogs to notify the winners. They then post about receiving the award on their blog (like this) and list their choices with links. They also include a mention of whom they received the award and include a link. Pictures are great, but not necessary.
Jess at Nothing But Purple and Bloggymommy at Coming to You From the Land of Ahhhhs... awarded me with this:The person giving the award chooses blogs that they consider brilliant in their content or design. In return, the recipient is expected to choose a minimum of seven blogs that they like. They leave comments on these blogs to notify the winners. They then post about receiving the award on their blog (like this) and list their choices with links. They also include a mention of whom they received the award and include a link. Pictures are great, but not necessary.

Here's the translation of the award and the meaning behind it:
“This blog invests and believes, in ‘proximity’ [meaning, that blogging makes us 'close' - being close through proxy] "They are all charming blogs, and the majority of them aim to show the marvels of friendship; there are persons who are not interested when we give them a prize, and then they help to cut these bows; do we want that they are cut, or that they propagate?"Then let’s try to give more attention to them! So with this prize we must deliver it to eight bloggers that in turn must make the same thing and put this text.”
“This blog invests and believes, in ‘proximity’ [meaning, that blogging makes us 'close' - being close through proxy] "They are all charming blogs, and the majority of them aim to show the marvels of friendship; there are persons who are not interested when we give them a prize, and then they help to cut these bows; do we want that they are cut, or that they propagate?"Then let’s try to give more attention to them! So with this prize we must deliver it to eight bloggers that in turn must make the same thing and put this text.”
I received this from Jenna at For the Love of Baby:
And I also received this one from Cena over at My.M.Spot and from Susan at Life in a House of Blue and from Bloggymommy at Coming to You From the Land of Ahhhhs...:

Since I would be here all day passing on awards (and it looks like a lot of the blogs I read have received these lately), I'm going to cheat and pass only pass on the last one. Plus, it seems to sum up all the others pretty well. So onto blogs I love:
AJ over at A Little Bit Nutty
Stacy at And So We Laugh...
Kritta at Protect & Provide
Tena at Punky Monkey's
Susan at What Happened to my House?
Awe! Thank You!
Ahhh Thank you!! I heart your blog too!! You are so sweet!
Opps...I didn't know you had already received this award! you've got 2 b/c I just gave you another one! lol
Cool thanks, I haven't had this award yet.
Hey, congrats! I have never even seen those middle two.
I'm so out of the award loop...
I saw you entered to win a cool coffee maker, I did too :)
I hope you don't mind but I wanted to tell you about my giveaway-FREE COFFEE...would go great with that new coffee maker!
To celebrate the launching of my very own online coffee shop I am giving away 1 pound of coffee every Friday during October. To enter visit:
To visit our website:
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