Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Wordless Wednesday: Critters


Bloggymommy said...

Oh my goodness! What are those? Are those kittens? I can't really tell from the pic!? Cute kitty!

Kasey@Allthingsmamma said...

That or they're mice! LOL! I couldn't tell either!

Staci A said...

No, unfortunately, they're gerbils. Lots of them!

Rhonda Gales said...

The kitty is adorable. I'm glad you clarified the 2nd picture, I would have never figured that one out, lol.

Anonymous said...

lol cute... I also am glad you cleared that up . That kitty is adorable :) Happy WW :)

Sarah said...

Such a sweet kitty!! Are you keeping all those gerbils?

Unknown said...

The best animal is a sleeping animal. lol Very cute kitty! But the little ones aren't so nice, not to me anyway.

Staci A said...

I hope not, Sarah! Hopefully we'll find someone looking for a pet (or 5)!

Cheryl said...

how cute!!! I love pets. I can't wait to get my girls something!

~Sandy~ said...

so stinkin cute! how did you get so many gerbils? happy ww!!!

Simply Being Mommy said...

Oh wow! Look at all those gerbils!

Happy WW!

The Shopping Mama said...

Cute! I used to freaking love gerbils and hamsters when I was younger. Now they kind of give me the heebies. LOL

tiarastantrums said...

what are the little mice for? The kitten to eat?

Marissa said...

That cat picture is so sweet. I melt every time I see a cute kitty.

JosiahsMommy said...

Sooo cute! I've always wanted a gerbil. When I was a little girl our 4th grade classroom had class pets. One was a gerbil named Cinnamon. I took him home one time and he got out of his cage. I almost lost him but he was safe and curled up in a box of hairbows. Lol.

Jennifer said...

What sweet photos. Sleeping pets are so adorable. Happy WW!

Muthering Heights said...


Rhea@mommy23monkeys said...

aawww...little babies!! I just want to kiss them! lol

Cat@3KidsandUs said...

Awww are those mice?

Natalie said...

The gerbils freak me out a bit...but that kitty looks cuddly!

Ms D said...

LOVE gerbils!! THey are so cute!! Happy WW :)

tiff snedaker said...

So cute :) That's a lot of little gerbils!

BTW - your page is loading much faster now!

Sara Elizabeth said...

How cute!!! I love the tiny little furry things, whatever they are. LOL. They are precious. Let's hope the kitty doesn't eat them. Mice like things to kitties are a great snack.

Run DMT said...

What a gorgeous cat! There seem to be quite a few pet photos today for WW. I must have missed the memo. ;-)

Happy WW!

sheila said...

You couldof said they were kitties, lol. I wouldn't have known, lol. Oh the reproduction abilities of gerbils. lol

Bridgette said...


Kim @ What's That Smell? said...

Awwwww I want a kitty! My son is allergic though.

I asked my husband if it would be rude to get a cat anyway LOL.

I don't like gerbils but I like mice, is that weird? Gerbils have always been mean to me.

Staci said...

awww so sweet!!!

Unknown said...

Gerbils..what a name! I've never heard of it before. But yes, they look like itty-bitty mice.

Thanks for sharing. :)

Not So Average Mama said...

Cats freak me the hell out!

kasandria said...

Awww Look at the cute Kitty!
Happy WW!

Amanda said...

Awwwww, but that's a lot of little rodents. How many are you up to now?

The Mud Bug said...

Love kitties! I had gerbils when I was little and they always bit me. Happy WW!


Unknown said...

awww, I love all animals. Pretty kitty you have.

Gena said...

Love the kitty. I am not a rodent fan at all. LOL

Sheila Hickmon said...

Love the kitty! Gerbils are cute to look at, but not in my house lol! I've had issues with hamsters that you wouldn't believe! I kinda freak out over rodents!!
Happy WW!

kendahl a. said...

What a cute kitty! I've never had gerbils, but I have had a hamster and mice, and they were a lot of fun! Kind of stinky, but fun.

collyn23 said...

so peacefully sleeping haha

AJ @ A Little Bit Nutty said...

How cute! My kids would love all those gerbils they are always begging for a gerbil, hamster or guinea pig. LOL

Brittany and Charlie-Social Butterfly said...

Hopefully one does not try to eat the other:) Very cute!

Unknown said...

Love the cat! I could do without the gerbils! Happy WW!

Frugal Fritzie said...

Omigish, I am in love with the kitty picture, that is soooooo cute!!!!!

tara said...

Now that kitty is precious! You are a brave woman for housing all of those gerbils! LOL

Happy said...

The kitten is adorable! Gerbils freak me out. I don't know why...they are sort of cute and all, but I can't get to really loving gerbils...or hamsters. There's a new movie coming out about Gerbils that save America or something...you should go see it!

Unknown said...

OMG what are you going to do with all those gerbils? LOL They are so cute!~

renee said...

What a pretty cat. Good luck with all those gerbils.LOL

Kiki said...

I would keep the cat away from those babies. We see cuteness, kitty sees cat nip! Happy WW and take care.

Cascia Talbert said...

Cute critters!

GiraffeGal213 said...


Trish said...

Maybe you should let the kitty around the other critters. It would solve your over population problems, LOL!

More Than Words said...

The kitty is so cute!!


Unknown said...

So cute! Happy WW!

Granola Mom's Hubby said...

Cute Critters! Thanks for stopping by!!

I am Harriet said...

Very sweet!

Have a great Wednesday!

Unknown said...

I just realized that the comment I left was under my husband's account! Sorry, it was me, his wife--Granola Mom!

Kitty | CouponDivas.com said...

I don't know what they are - but they are cute!


Felicia said...

Cute critters!

Amanda said...

SO CUTE!! I love kitties.... but don't have any :( Thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting on my lil cutie!

jen@odbt said...

Good thing the kitty cat is asleep. I'm glad to read those are gerbils and not mice. Very cute critters!

katepickle said...

ah gorgeous little bundles of fluff!
Happy WW

Susie said...

Too cute!!

Cryssloves said...

I've never seen fresh born gerbils before!! Cute :-)
They do look like kittens and mice though lol

Anonymous said...

Those are precious!

Heather said...

I can only handle one furry creature at a time. They do look like mice though...ewww.

Marianna said...

Such a cute sleeping kitty! Can't say that I am a fan of the gerbils though. ;)

Christina said...

So adorable!

Stacy Uncorked said...

OK, I'm glad you clarified those were gerbils in the second picture...because I had a crazy thought that the first picture of your cool cat was fat and happy sleeping off the 'snack' he had of the picture below... ;)

Happy WW! :)

Deb said...

I had no idea what I was looking at in the second one until I saw your comment that they were gerbils. Good luck finding them families! Hope that no one gets too sad about giving them away.

Andrea said...

Wow that is a LOT of gerbils! And what a sweet kitty! :)

Andrea said...

I was wondering what the 2nd pic was too...till I read your comment! Gerbils!! Are you going to keep them all? haha. :)

Erin said...

My daughter would be all over that box. Five minuted to a box of overly loved dead gerbils. I'll send her over.

Melanie @ Whimsical Creations said...

Oh my, lots of gerbils! Your kitty is adorable!

Michelle @Flying Giggles said...

That is so adorable! Where did all the gerbils come from?

Brimful Curiosities said...

Love the kitty. The gerbils not so much.

Eleana said...

Oooh... so cute!

Jessie said...

Lots of gerbils huh? You'll probably have a ton more before all is said and done :) Great shot of kitty :)