Monday, May 11, 2009

Animal Atlas Review

I've mentioned in the past that my little one wants to be a zoologist one day. He wants to care for animals, study them, and play with the babies. But, he says, a zoologist doesn't have to "clean the poo" like zookeepers. So needless to say, we spend a lot of times learning more about critters, whether it's through books, zoos, museums, or DVDs.

Recently, we had the opportunity to review Animal Atlas: Animals and Us. Animal Atlas is an educational DVD series geared towards kids. It's full of interesting facts about various creatures, as well as some amazing footage.
Animals and Us contains three episodes: Who Needs Our Help, Who's at the Aquarium, and Who's at the Zoo. Our favorite was Who's at the Aquarium. My 4 year old was mesmerized by the sea life, and especially loved learning about sharks. (Of course his favorite was the sharks, he's all boy.)

I felt the DVD was geared towards a slightly older age range, although my little one may disagree. Because my son is so absorbed in learning about animals, he had heard many of the terms before. But, I thought the narrator used complicated terms, which a lot of little kids may not understand.

Overall, we really enjoyed watching the DVD together, and are looking forward to checking out other DVDs in the series. You can find Animals and Us at Toys R Us, Amazon, or NCircle Entertainment.


Angela said...

We like renting them from Redbox. My older kids liked them the best (5 and 9yo) and my 3yo watched bits and pieces.

Amber! said...

Cute blog, thanks for stopping by and saying hi!

Together We Save said...

My girls love critters too.