Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Wordless Wednesday: Faves of the Week


Sara Elizabeth said...

I love dandelions, too bad I am allergic to them. Beautiful pic. I love the first one too. The look on his face is hilarious.

Happy WW from Sara @ the Mostly Wordless Wednesday H.Q.!

Kim @ What's That Smell? said...

Great shots! I love the look on his face.

Anonymous said...

I love the dandelion picture.

Bloggymommy said...

Great shots! Happy WW to you! :)

Christy aka The Write Gal said...

I love all of those pics! Your son is adorable!

Rhea@mommy23monkeys said...

Great photos! You're little boy is adorable.

~Sandy~ said...

super cute pics!!! your son looks like he is thinking real hard :O) happy ww!! thanks so much for stopping by

tiarastantrums said...

great shots !!

Momstart said...

those are great photos

MediMonsters said...

What kind of flower is the purple one? It is beautiful.

Little one looks like he has a big story to tell.

Happy WW

Amanda B. said...

Awesome pics. Thanks for sharing! Happy WW!

Anonymous said...

I love that dandelion shot!

Jennifer said...

Fabulous photos!

tiff snedaker said...

I LOOOVE spring! Cute pics.

Heather said...

Very cool. I love the dandelion one.

Simply Being Mommy said...

Love the look on his face! Great flower shots too.

HDMac said...

Great choices. Love the look on his face! :)

Thanks for visiting! :)

stacey @ tree, root, and twig said...

It looks like he's in the middle of saying, "Who? Me?!" Ah....little boys. ;)

Sandier Pastures said...

I wonder what he wanted to say? :-)

Melanie said...

I love the flower and he looks like he's making a monkey face or you caught him talking it up!

A Family Completed... said...

I just wanna blow on that danelion.. How childish of me, lol. Great pics :)

Crunchy Green Mom - Suzanne said...

That dandelion picture is amazing. Bravo!!

Michelle @Flying Giggles said...

I love the pic of the dandelion. It reminds me of all the wishes I made as a child! Thanks for sharing

AP Mommy said...

Great shots! Happy WW!

mom2nji said...

Great photos!

Unknown said...

Beautiful pictures!

Dandelions remind me of my childhood-love them!

Happy WW!

Sukhmandir Kaur said...

It's almost as if each is the view of a different of his face. Happy WW

Rob said...

Very nice pictures. Happy WW!

Auntie E said...

Nice Photo. Feel like Blowing,lol happy WW

4 Lettre Words said...

I love that second capture!

Secret Mom Thoughts said...

Beautiful happy shots.

Cascia Talbert said...

Those are beautiful photos! I love spring.

Mrs Zeee said...

Lovely dandelion photo -- makes me want to blow and wish!! Happy WW

Anonymous said...

Awesome photos. The look on his face is priceless. Have a wonderful WW! :O)

Susan Cook said...

Great pics. You son is so cute. My daughter loves blowing on the dandelions. TFS

Jess said...

I love the first one...looks like he's telling a big story! =)

Anonymous said...

I love your WW pics this week!

Unknown said...

Those are great pictures! :) I love the look on your son's face. Too cute!

Amanda said...

I love those purple flowers! I love the fuzzy dandelions too, but they don't love me.

Bridgette said...

Very pretty pics!

Unknown said...

Love the dandelion! I have one of those too and just love the intricate design:)
Happy WW!

Brimful Curiosities said...

Blowing dandelions is one of our favorite activities!

The Mud Bug said...

I love the dandelion picture. Beautiful!


bookieboo said...

Your son is so handsome!

Danielle (Life with the Hewitt Family) said...

Great pictures - right now those dandelions are not my friend. My son always wants to pick them and blow on them to make a wish, it was cute at first, but now it is a bit annoying!

Milk and Honey Mommy said...


Is your son picking a fight w/you?

My mother-in-law is the flower lady and she planted some of those purple flowers at our mailbox. We have the prettiest mailbox on the block.

Aren't dandelions weeds? They are probably the only weed I love and they're so much fun to blow. It's just not right to walk past one and not pick it and blow.

Thanks for visiting my blog.

Anonymous said...

First time visitor here! First of all I think it's so cool that you have so many people on your blog! Gosh! I booooow down to yoooouuuu.

I love the flowers. I think it's so cool that nature can give us such variety in everything, especially flowers...

Happy Wednesday!
I played tooooo!

Susie said...

Those are great photos!!

Maria@Conversations with Moms said...

Love the second flower. Your son is so adorable. Love the expression on his face.

Shari@aPsychMommy said...

Beautiful dandelion pic! I hope you made a wish!

sunnymama said...

Lovely pictures, cute and pretty.

Joy said...

Beautiful and adorable! I love the look on his face. It's like he's saying "Who me?"

Happy WW!

Upstatemamma said...

Wow!! You even made an evil dandelion look nice. :)

just another mother said...

great photos :) happy WW

Unknown said...

Like your last photo...gives me the warm fuzzies remembering my days as a littles girl rolling around in the grass.

Unknown said...

Great shots. I love the purple flower!

Sarah VM said...

Very nice pics! He is too cute!

Run DMT said...

What beautiful pics! Picking you fav pics of the week is a great WW!

Thanks for visiting my blog! Come back again soon!

MamaJoss said...

Oooh some great shots you got there Momma!...especially that little handsome face...

Monica@DailyDwelling said...

They're all really great shots! My girls love picking dandelions and blowing!

Thanks for visiting my blog today! Happy WW!

Jessie said...

Great shots! My girls would have blown that dandelion and I would have been a minute too late with the camera to catch it :) Have a great Wednesday!

More Than Words said...

Very nice pictures!!!!!

Victoria Arya said...

Great pics. I'm always lucky if I don't have my finger (or another body part) in my pictues.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful picture! You little one is to cute. TFS

Melanie @ Whimsical Creations said...

Fabulous shots!!

Kimberly@PrettyPinkMomma said...

Great Pics! I love those Junk Food Tees!

Happy WW!

Kristin said...

nice pictures! thanks for commenting on my pictures today- I am SO glad I already have my dress!!

Katie said...

Beautiful pictures - Such clarity in the shots.

jen@odbt said...

We have that same shirt in green. Some great shots especially the detail in the dandelion pic.

Blessings Abound said...

He's so handsome and I love how you post nature pics too!:)

Carrie Ella said...

Wow! You took some amazing photos. I love the purple flowers.

Thanks for stopping by. Have a great day!

Liz@thisfullhouse said...

I love your pics, even though dandelions make me sneeze - Happy WW!

Felicia said...

I need your camera.. these shots are fantastic!!!

Tara@Sticky Fingers said...

Absolutely loving that dandelion - such an 'here comes summer' pic!

sheila said...

Your little boy is just so cute! Great pics!

Superdumb Supervillain said...

That flower is so pretty and crazy-looking at the same time... it looks like the petals don't match, like they belong to totally different flowers...

Anonymous said...

Lovely photos! Happy WW to you!

Lynn EnsMom said...

WOW!!!!! Awesome photos and what a CUTE kid!!!

Anonymous said...

That's so fantastic!!!

Happy WW!

Shannon said...

Sweetie! Great shots...

Kari said...

love your pictures. Your son is too cute!

Always a Southern Girl said...

I love dandelions, blowing them and making a wish was always so fun when I was a kid. (it still is sometimes now) HA!!

But I hate them in my garden!!! Uggghh..

Great pictures!

Buckeroomama said...

Love the pucker! :) Great photos.

Sweet Serendiptiy said...

Wow. Gorgeous photos. You must have a really nice camera...and a good eye!

Anonymous said...

I love the shot of the dandelion! Beautiful :)

Janet said...

Great shots. Love the detail on the dandelion.

renee said...

Awesome pics!! Your son is so cute!

Shynea @ Penny Pinching Diva said...

These pictures are too cute. I remember when I was younger. I use to LOVE picking dandelions and blowing them. Me and my sister could just lay out in the yard and do that all day.

Leah said...

Beautiful pictures!!!!!

Kmommy said...

Awesome photos!! :)

Kimberly/Mom in the City said...

That purple flower is breathtaking!

Chrissy said...

All great shots! How cute he looks in that first picture. And who doesn't love photos of flowers and dandelions??

小美冰淇淋Paul said...
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