Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Wordless Wednesday: Chilling Out

You'd think it was the best seat in the house.


just another mother said...

that's too cute!!! happy WW!!


Cat@3KidsandUs said...

Lol Kaydee does that all the time.

Marianna said...

LOL that's great!

Rhea@mommy23monkeys said...

We love to sit in buckets! They are just the right size.

Unknown said...

My son does it too dumps all of his toys out of the toy box and then climbs in!

Anonymous said...

Looks comfy!

Jennifer @ Mom Spotted said...

Hee, hee my oldest did that with a laundry basket!

Sara Elizabeth said...

So cute. Aren't kids funny. I wish I found everything as cool as kids do. He is adorable.

Happy WW from Sara @ the Mostly Wordless Wednesday H.Q.!

Mrs Zeee said...

Perfect fit! Why not...if I had a space that I could be cozy in, I'd hang out there too -- even if it was a bucket :)

Unknown said...

That is adorable, but funny enough neither of my girls were ever laundry basket sitters, lol

Tiffany said...

Hey I just been checking out new blogs. I'm on a mission to leave 1000 comment for the month! :)

Very Very cute WW!

Stop by sometimes please :) Please let me know if you have any questions. I'm just a mom of 2 little boys.. helping other moms grab freebies, deals, and save money :) If you subscribe please let me know.. I would love to return the favor!


Melanie said...

what is it with little kids and kitties always wanting to be in a box or bin? ha ha


Ms. Latina said...

It looks like it is! LOL Love how kids can think outside the box and make the BEST of everything! He's adorable- Happy WW!

Frugal New England Kitchen said...

They make themselves comfortable anywhere!

Happy WW & mines posted too!

Spring on the Farm Keuka Lake, NY

Kari @ A Giveaway Addicted Mommy said...

How come they want to sit in containers like that? My son sits in the container the big legos came in. We have all this cool stuff to play with and on and he chooses to sit in the box. What gives??

Too cute picture...

Michelle said...

It sure looks like the best seat in the house.Happy WW.

Joy said...

That is just adorable! So far my daughter only likes to stick her toys in the boxes and buckets she finds. I know it's only a matter of time before she gets the idea to jump in and sit a spell.

Thanks for stopping by my site last night!
Happy WW!

Rob said...

Cool pic and nice blanket. He looks like he is watching something very good on TV. Happy WW!

Check out my WW post at http://www.pbandsmellysdad.com/2009/05/wordless-wednesday.html

Kelly said...

He's got a blanket and a snack, that's usually all it takes to keep kids happy.

Cascia Talbert said...

That is cute! He looks cozy in that tote.

I am Harriet said...

I'm with him....

Secret Mom Thoughts said...

He look comfy with his snack.

Jenn said...

Awww..I love it! My kids are always getting into small spaces and making themselves comfy...laundry baskets, boxes...whatever. :)

Happy WW!

annies home said...

sure is cute

Bridgette said...

Love it! Lily loves to sit in things like that too!

Susan Cook said...

Kids love to sit in boxes and such. Very cute pic! Happy WW!

Grace @ Sandier Pastures said...

It is snug fit for him so it's perfect!

Thanks for dropping by my WW earlier.

Simply Being Mommy said...

So cute! My children fight over buckets, lol!

Shannon said...

They find the silliest placest to sit! So cute.

Grampy said...

You can buy them the most expensive toys, but they find the simplest things to make them happy.

renee said...

Cute Pic!! He fits in it just right.LOL

tiarastantrums said...

yep I would say he does!

Brittany and Charlie-Social Butterfly said...

Simple things make kids happy:)

Sheila Hickmon said...

Lol, I have a pic kinda like this of my daughter! The things that entertain kids are just too funny!

4 Lettre Words said...

I think that's great! And, he is a cutie!!

Happy WW to you!

Amanda said...

LOL my 2yo was just sitting in a container just like that one the other day as I was switching summer and winter clothes and weeding out what doesn't fit them anymore.

Suzy said...

Looks like a perfect spot! It would be great if us adults could do stuff like that!

Amanda B. said...

Kids and boxes...LOL!!! Too cute! Happy WW!


Christy aka The Write Gal said...

That seat looks so comfy. Happy WW!

Bloggymommy said...

Aww..he's so cute! I so wish I wasn't chillin right now and actually getting my stuff done! lol Happy WW to ya!

Upstatemamma said...

So cute!! My kids like to sit in the laundry basket and just chill out. :)

A Family Completed... said...

Looks like a great way to contain any mess! happy WW

Jessie said...

Very, very cute!

Label Daddy Mommy said...

Precious Picture ;) Happy WW. Thanks for coming by :)

MommaD said...

i have two boys who do this constantly, and then flip it upside down and put it over their heads n walk around pretending to be a train...he looks mighty comfy there!

Staci said...

He's got his crackers and blankie.... Life is all good!

JessNBP said...

LOL So adorable!

More Than Words said...

Kids are so funny!!!!!

Alicia W. said...

I found your blog today and I LOVE IT! :o) Great WW

Angela said...

My kids love sitting in boxes of all aizes.

Maria@Conversations with Moms said...

He looks so comfortable, I love it.

Run DMT said...

Too cute! Thanks for stopping by my blog! Happy WW!

Have you seen my giveaway?


Ann On and On... said...

How do kids make everything fun? I think we have a lot to learn from them. :D

sheila said...

How cute, what is that like a big tupperware storage bin? lol. Looks comfy!!!!! He's very cute.

Alesha @ Full Time Mama said...

Lol! My kids love to climb in boxes and stuff too. It's so funny that they can get so comfy in there! Cute!

Anonymous said...

Very cute my Zoe does that also. Happy WW

Sweet Serendipity said...

My kids love buckets too. Buckets, boxes, tins, bags, any type of container really. Why do we even spend money on toys?
Cute pic!

Felicia said...


Shari @ A Psych Mommy said...

There's something about boxes that kids love! Happy WW!

sunnymama said...

Cute and funny!
Happy Wordless Wednesday :)

Kristie said...

My little ones love boxes/baskets/buckets too. They must be cozier than they look! :-)

Buckeroomama said...

Cute! Haha, ours love to do that, too and they'd be singing Row Row Row Your Boat... :)

Anonymous said...

Kids and baskets. Too Cute! TFS

Pam said...

He is such a cutie! Happy WW!

Diana of Diana Rambles said...

I wish I had my own private space like that!

Angela @ Nine More Months said...

That is too funny! My son loves those things.

Unknown said...

LOL! Too cute!

My little man does the same thing!

Happy WW!

Melanie @ Whimsical Creations said...


Sheila said...

Hee, Hee! Baskets, containers and boxes are the best!

MamaJoss said...

Yup that IS the best seat. Mine does the EXACT same thing...plants himself right on in ANY box, laundry basket, bin - love it!

DJ said...

Lol, my son use to do that in the laundry basket! Cute photo.

Lori said...

Doesnt he look comfy!!!I wonder what he's watching???? Happy WW and thanks for stopping by:)

Night Owl Mama said...

kids luv boxes don't they

Superdumb Supervillain said...

And you can just put a lid on him and tuck him away when he's being naughty, too!