Friday, May 15, 2009

Small Talk Six: Come on People

Over at MomDot, today's Small Talk Six is all about advice. It seems that we give it and get it every day. But, they want to know: What are 6 pieces of advice that you think are obvious, but some people just need to hear?
  1. When your child is sick, don't ask me to babysit, don't set up a playdate, and don't bring them to McD's so they can sneeze all over my food from the next booth over. Do your best to keep germs to yourself.
  2. It's not funny to hear a 3 year old cuss. It's pretty sad, even sadder when a parent sits there and laughs about it. Teach your kid that there are certain words we just don't say, and stop using those words in front of them.
  3. Babies who are barely eating solid food should not be allowed to drink your Dew or taste your coffee. Caffeine and babies are not a good combination.
  4. Clothes are meant to cover your body, not squeeze so tight I can see ever nook and cranny of your rolls. Buy a size that fits, and take full advantage of that thing called a mirror.
  5. Letting your kids watch scary shows is not the brightest idea ever. Things like Sasquatch and killer fish are scary. The nightmares that follow will be payback.
  6. And finally, don't eat yellow snow. Common sense, right?


Mrs Zeee said...

lol- yes, def beware of yellow snow. and i agree with the kiddie cussing thing -- don't parents realize that laughing just encourages that behavior?

Night Owl Mama said...

wow I can't imagine why you wouldn't want to watch someone else sick children and spread germs all over your house to share with everyone else. SOme people just don't think

that's one of my pet peeves too

Kelly said...

I agree with all your pieces of advice especially about not giving babies junk. I've had a certain someone try to feed my child alcohol! I know it was just the tiniest bit but just because it amuses you doesn't mean you can do it to my child!

Katie said...

My friend was nice enough to watch a another friends sick child, and all her kids got sick. Vowed to never do it again.

I am Harriet said...

Especially the yellow snow thing

Maria@Conversations with Moms said...

Giving babies coffee to drink...not very smart. The clothes one cracked me up.

B said...

Yup, wish ppl would cover their bumps too.

Courtney said...

very good list! And it makes my skin crawl when parents or any adults laughs at bad behavior, especially when the tots are cussing. It is definitely NOT cute!

Amanda said...

LOL all very good points - especially sick kids and yellow snow.

Cheryl Pitt said...

Haha! I LOVE #1. I used to babysit. I'd show up and the mom would be walking out the door saying "Oh BTW, SoandSo has strep, give them their meds in an hour." I'd be like "then what am I doing here with MY 3 year old!?"

Lori E said...

Okay I have to admit my kids have watched scary shows and they absolutely loved them to this day (22 &26) The thing that would give the oldest nightmares were clowns. Gotta love those birthday parties.

Anonymous said...

Your list is great!! Especially the one about wearing clothes that fit! I'm a firm believer that just because it comes in your size doesn't mean you have to wear it! LOL And the scary movie sister lets her children watch scary movies and always has & I hate it! They are 10 & 9 and their dad took them to see "The Hills Have Eyes" in the theatre when it first came out!! HORRIFIED!! Could not believe it! They only get to watch G or PG at my house and complain the whole time but Oh well!! :P Have a nice weekend!

Chrissy said...

It's sad that this is so true, lol. You'd hope fewer people would need to be reminded of these things.

Rhea@mommy23monkeys said...

Love your list! I am very guilty of the bad language. I need to stop that.

I thought I was the only one that told people "don't eat yellow snow." lol

annies home said...

I agree with you about so many things.

Amy and her little family said...

I have a cousin who cracks up everytime her kid cusses. It just makes me want to cringe! Why would you encourage that kid? Those are the kids that will teach MY KIDS all the "bad words" in school!

Anyway Cute list! I'm loving the yellow snow :)

sheila said...

LL are so true, true true! But 1 and 4 OMG....I KNOW!!!!!!!! Pla-lease people get a grip!

And 5? We took my daughter to see Disney on Ice YEARSSSS ago, she was 6. They did that Chinese Dragon thing, when it's a long moving thing that looks like a snake? NIGHTMARES for 2 straight weeks. UGHHHHHHHHHH so definitely, no scary movies when they're little. Yeah, s/b common sense.

Lori E said...

By the way I forgot to mention how much I love your blog name. I can totally relate. Thanks for stopping by.

Amy and her little family said...

Thank you for commenting on my Swag Studio blog! I love comments! Hope you come by and visit again! Don’t forget to follow me to see all my upcoming posts! I’m now following you! Hope to get to know you better!

Shan G said...

LOL Too funny! Thanks for the laugh.

Janet said...

Yuck, yellow snow. lol Thanks for visiting my blog. Have a happy and safe weekend. :)

Kristen Andrews said...

the sick kid thing is one of my biggest pet peeves, we only do the drive thru for McDonald's becuase of this very problem.

Katt said...

Oh! I totally agree with #1, can't stand to see a baby or small child for that matter carrying a baby bottle filled with soda! I am sure some igmo out there needs to be told about the yellow

EclecticBird said...

Exactly! As a teacher I was constantly amazed that parents would send their child to school with 100+ temp. Strep throat, mono, chicken pox, flu, you name it and I’ve seen it at school. Now that I’m a parent I’m even more confused as to why other parents would do this. Keep your germs away from me and my baby, please.

andrea said...

omg i think i love you! i say these same things um, daily?!!
esp #3 &4!!!

Anonymous said...

I agree with #1
Keep your sick kiddo's at home!

Anonymous said...

Oh I have a award for you on my blog!

Paige said...

haha...yellow snow! :)