Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Wordless Wednesday: Troublemakers

One gets in trouble, the other eavesdrops & instigates more trouble...


Cat@3KidsandUs said...

Uh oh, someone is getting the mommy eye. lol

Simply Being Mommy said...

Sounds alot like my house :) I can't help but laugh at your son. He seems like he is trying to look so innocent.

Happy WW!

Lisa @ Crazy Adventures in Parenting said...

LMAO @ Cat's comment!

Unknown said...

That sounds just like my kids! I swear no one ever does anything it's always someone elses fault around here!

Happy WW!

just another mother said...

love it!!! boys!!! little sneaks :-)

Stacy Uncorked said...

Princess Nagger doesn't have any siblings to instigate trouble on...so she uses the dogs as 'excuses'. Apparently the dogs do a number of things they're not supposed to... ;)

Your boys are adorable! :)

Heather said...

I am so familiar with this sort of thing! ;) Love that you have it caught on camera.

~Sandy~ said...

looks like you have your hands full..lol! cute pics :) happy ww!!!

Sarah said...

They are always conspiring against us, aren't they?

Muthering Heights said...

Sounds like a handful! LOL!

Rhea@mommy23monkeys said...

hehe! Yeah, you should see it with 3!

Brimful Curiosities said...

Teamwork at its best.

Shop with Me Mama said...

LOL! Love it! Happy WW :)

Leland's Mama said...

Awww! They don't look too troublesome.

Tena said...

never a dull moment in mommy land, huh?
Great captures

Mommy's Hangout said...

LOL Sounds like what goes on around here lol! Happy WW!

Run DMT said...

Boy, that sounds familiar! Happy WW!

Rob said...

HMM, sounds like my house. LOL.

Happy WW!

Theta Mom said...

Sounds just like my house! LOL

Liz Mays said...

He's a little stinker, huh?

Felicia said...

Oh man.. that look on your face.. I can feel it in the pit of my stomach!

Lizzie said...

o_O! I wonder what mischief was being made...

Bridgette said...

I'm sure this is where we are headed. With two girls in my house, I am sure there will be a LOT of tattling!

Rhonda Gales said...

Oh the joys of motherhood. Happy WW!

Urban Thought said...

If nothing else, children keep it interesting. But a great mom keeps it all in check.

Happy WW!!!

Maria@Conversations with Moms said...

Boys keep you young. You have no choice to keep up with them. :)

Amanda said...

Yep! Happens here too. The 2yo is the one that "always" did it if you ask though.

tiarastantrums said...

hee hee - isn't that they way it always is!

The Shopping Mama said...

Oh brother. Literally.

Happy WW.

Not So Average Mama said...

My kids are allllways instigating! Great photos!

Marianna said...

LOL, but they are cute troublemakers. :)

LISA said...

Aww they are cute , you have the mom look like me ! Hope you have a great day !

Unknown said...

No surprise the boy in the instigator! My brother was always getting us in trouble!

Kitty | CouponDivas.com said...

That is so cute. That happens here too!


Kelly said...

My kids do that all the time.
Happy WW

here's mine

Shan G said...

You can totally see the deviousness in his eyes.

LOL Adorable!

The Mud Bug said...

Sounds like my house - my 4yo is the troublemaker and the 6yo sits back and takes it all in. Saving it for later I guess, lol. Happy WW!


Andrea said...

haha...those are great! What sneaky 'lil fellows!

kasey@allthingsmamma said...

Looks like the same look I give 100 times a day! LOL

Brittany and Charlie-Social Butterfly said...

Isn't that how it always is.