I can say, first of all, it's been a long time since I've really gotten a chance to relax, but when I had time for it...
1. I loved a nice hot bubble bath (without people banging on the door, yelling through it, or barging in to add toys to my water).
2. I loved to read. Anything and everything. Give me a good book and I was content until the last page.
3. I would snowboard. Something about being out in the mountains by yourself is so relaxing.
4. I loved to drive. Just to drive. I would pick a direction and just go.
5. I used to write poetry. It was an easy way to get all my thoughts out and put my mind at ease. I only wrote for myself, and that was all that mattered.
6. Before having my little one, I would nap for hours out in a hammock. So peaceful.
Even though I can say I don't get a lot of time to rest or relax anymore, I still wouldn't change it for anything.
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Relaxing in the bathtub seems to be universal.:-)
God Bless,
hot bubble bath is really relaxing...
Here's my entry
When we lived in New Mexico we would always take a drive to Durango, CO every Sunday! It was fun, the kids would fall asleep & so relaxing.
Here's my entry: Small Talk Six
Napping out on a hammock sounds so relaxing.
I use to write poetry a long time ago too. It was an amazing outlet for me. My aunt borrowed my poems once because she wanted to read them. I had a whole 3" binder full of them. She lost them and I never saw them again. It was a big loss for me.
The bath tub is right at the top of my list.
I used to love to nap, seems now a days even when I have the time, I can't get a good one in. Love your blog, now following. please visit my six here:
Oh ya bubblebath and book are always winners!
Funny how we were able to relax before kids...
Have a great Saturday!
Yes, driving is the best. I always just want to get in the car and just drive. Turn some music on and just go! Happy Saturday!
Napping is the best ever and I completely missed that one on my blog.
See my Small Talk Six here: http://lovemy2dogs.blogspot.com/2009/08/small-talk-six.html
reading and napping is on my list too.
I love driving by myself, too!
I find that getting my nails done is relaxing and something for ME. Ever since I've had kids, the bubble bath has not happened.
Sounds like a great list. I've never thought of snowboarding as relaxing... more like life-threatening the way my body works, but if it works.... =)
Wow, I bet you're very good at poetry!
I’m reaching out to all the Moms on my blog role to tell you about a new Momtrends feature. Every Monday I will be posting Mommy Time Monday. This is a chance for other bloggers to link up and share something they’ve done in the past week. The idea is to promote carving out “me-time” without the kids and to inspire other moms to do the same. After all, this time spent with friends or pursuing a passion/hobby keep us moms sane. I hope you’ll stop by and join in the fun.
This post would be a perfect link.
I would love to be in a bubble bath or a hammock with a good book. I used to write poetry also - definitely something that falls by the wayside when you get busy.
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