Monday, November 2, 2009

Cold Plasma Giveaway

***Contest Ended: Congrats to Susan1215***

Some days I look in the mirror and feel so much older than I am. Maybe it's the fact that I'm so busy, I rarely take time out to take care of myself. Or maybe it's just that I'm too tired by the end of the day to do much.

Cold Plasma from Perricone MD is designed to address 10 signs of aging, including firmness, elasticity, clarity, radiance, smoothness, texture, redness, blotchiness, fine lines and wrinkles, and dryness.
It's designed as a universal skin care product, designed for every skin type. Cold Plasma works through a patented ionic suspension carrier system. This personalized system, called biochemical individuality, allows your skin to extract from Cold Plasma’s formula according to your individual, unique needs.

Cold Plasma contains no parabens, fragrance, sulfates, mineral oil, or artificial colors or fillers.

Buy It
Cold Plasma can be purchased for $150 at Perricone MD

Win It
One lucky reader will win Cold Plasma

To enter: Tell me why you think you'd benefit from using Cold Plasma.

Want extra entries? (Leave separate comments for each)
  • Follow me on Blogger
  • Grab my button
  • Add me to your blog roll
  • Follow me on Twitter (Leave your username)
  • Tweet this giveaway (Leave link)
  • Blog about this giveaway with a link to this post. (Leave your link)
Be sure to leave a way to contact you.
Giveaway ends 11/16 at 11:59 pm EST. Winner will be notified via email.
Open to US only.

Thanks to Perricone MD for providing the product for the giveaway


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Jessica AKA Falling Glitter said...

I have very sensitive skin and am approaching the age where small wrinkles should start setting in. Hopefully I can stop the hands of time.

jessica dot benton1 at gmail dot com

kasandria said...

My skin isn't the smoothest and I think this would def. help.

kasandria said...

I follow you on blogger

kasandria said...

I follow you on twitter @waystosave

koreen (aka: winn) said...

I need it because I don't have anything else to use. Nothing works unless it's filled with stuff I don't want on my skin. I NEED it. Just saying.

koreen (aka: winn) said...

I'm already following you on twitter. =)

koreen (aka: winn) said...

I added you to my blogroll a long time ago. ;)

koreen (aka: winn) said...

Oh, never mind about my comments. I live in Canada. =(

Clarissa said...

i would love to win this b/c it would help me feel and look 5 years younger!! :)

Divya said...

I have one too many wrinkles on my face.. would love to try out this stuff! I've heard such great things about Perricone!

Amber! said...

I have one number for you: 30. That is my reason.

I'm sticking your button on my blog. Congrats! You're the only one there!!

Paula said...

I am 58 years old....why wouldn't I benefit...And I have been dying to try this product...Enjoy your blog

Annie said...

I have kinda dry skin and if this could make my skin smoother I'd love that!

Annie said...

I follow you on blogger

missdenise said...

I have suffered from acne for years. This would hopefully help to even out my skin tone

Stephanie Beep said...

I read this blog, then dreamed about how my skin would look if I used Cold Plasma. Now I'm dying to try it. Please make me look 25 again! Thanks for the awesome giveaway.

Stephanie said...

40 is just around the corner and my skin needs most of the anti-aging benefits mentioned. Would LOVE this as a bday gift!
tvollowitz at aol dot com

Anonymous said...

I would love for it to help with some small wrinkles that I have gotten from smiling and laughing. The more I do those, the worse they get, but I don't want to not smile!


Anonymous said...

follow you on twitter, I am prissygreen

Anonymous said...

following on blogger! I am kagey10

Anonymous said...


TX_Jen34 said...

I'd like to win this for my mom. She's always complaining about her wrinkles (barely there) and her skin in general. Maybe this will shut her up a little!! LoL!!

TX_Jen34 said...

Follow your blog.
Jennifer G

TX_Jen34 said...

Follow on twitter.

TX_Jen34 said...


Brigitte W. said...

I would love to try this product to help my smaller wrinkles appear less noticeable and also to to help with evening out my skin tone/texture.

Brigitte W. said...

I follow you on Twitter (itsjustbrig)

Brigitte W. said...

I follow you on blogger -itsjustbrig

Brigitte W. said...

Tweeted 11/05!


Tracey said...

I could use the Cold Plasma for the firmness and elasticity properties.

Michelle AKA blabla3269 said...

I am over 40 so my whole face is starting to become an issue

Nancy said...

I think I would benefit because in two weeks I am entering a new decade and this is supposed to help to combat the ten signs of aging. I am beginning to see fine lines and wrinkles and this would help. said...

It would probably do wonders on 53 year old skin

Leslie said...

I have some patches of uneven skin tone and I'd love to see what this could do for me. said...

As a woman in her mid-50s, taking care of my skin is essential. I have always tried and been able to find excellent products to help. Cold Plasma is 1 that works.

tmc480 said...

Although I have no wrinkles as of yet.. I think this would be a perfect anti aging product for me to use to keep my skin from aging

janeh said...

my wrinkles are saying "PLEASE"......Perricone MD products are wonderful!

Courtney B said...

i would benefit because im starting to get crows feet!!!

mogrill said...

I am starting to get wrinkles! I could use this for sure. Thanks for the chance.

Sunnyvale said...

I'm hoping it would improve the appearance of my aging skin

Kelsey said...

1) I'm worried about wrinkles...

2) My skin is very dry, especially during the winter months

This product sounds great for both of these skin concerns.

Unknown said...

I could soo use this. MY skin is starting to age and just look eh. I get dry patches no matter how much I exfoliate, and it's not as elastic as it used to be. I'm only 27, so eek!

Unknown said...

I have read great things about this Perricone product. My skin is older than I like to admit to, and becomes drier each year. I would love a chance to slow down the aging process.

llinda29 said...

I have old skin that needs help

LilyBiscuit said...

I love to try this for redness, lack of radiance and early wrinkles skin needs help! I've heard Dr. Perricone's products are top quality too. Thanks :)

vac924 at gmail dot com

LilyBiscuit said...

I'm following you on Twitter now.
I'm dragonfly777

vac924 at gmail dot com

LilyBiscuit said...

I'm also following publicly on Blogger now.

vac924 at gmail dot com

Buki Family said...

winter is on its way and its so dry... my skin would love this

Theresa said...

Redness, dryness, fine lines, I could use Cold Plasma for all of those reasons!

Chelsea S said...

I think Cold Plasma would help me with my dry and red skin. It especially hits me hard in the winter.

-- Chelsea

Chelsea S said...

Im a follower on blogger.

-- Chelsea

Alison said...

definitely because it doesn't have parabens! I love the idea of using natural creams.

Chelsea S said...

I added you to my blogroll.

-- Chelsea

Chelsea S said...

Following you on Twitter. (csaulpaugh89)

-- Chelsea

Chelsea S said...

Tweeted giveaway.

-- Chelsea

Chelsea S said...

Blogged about giveaway.

-- Chelsea

sarmil75 said...

I have dry skin and I am starting to get wrinkles, thats why I need it.

sarmil75 said...

I follow

sarmil75 said...

I follow you on Twitter sarmil75

sarmil75 said...


crystal said...

I am so happy to read that the product Cold Plasma, does not contain any Parabens,Fragrance, Sulfates, Mineral oil, Artificial colors or fillers!

pamcallahan said...

It would help my skin because I am starting to show all 10 signs of aging

clenna said...

Since I have 'mature' skin, I think I would benefit by using Cold Plasma because it could help with smoothness, blotchiness, and dryness. I've always wanted to try this product.

clenna at aol dot com

clenna said...

I follow blogger

clenna at aol dot com

missdenise said...

i think this would help to even out my skin tone.

Cassie Wallace said...

count me in!

Jean said...

Why? to help with the wrinkles and fine lines

Cassie Wallace said...

I'm a follower

Cassie Wallace said...

I follow you on Twitter!


Cassie Wallace said...

I tweeted!


Bebemiqui said...

My skin is getting some fine lines and is just looking old.

clc408 said...

My mature skin has many of the symptoms this claims to alleviate. I'm sure it would do some good. Thanks!

Kim said...

I am (soon to be)31 & I feel like I look it & not in a good way. I have wrinkly, saggy skin. I am blessed w/the redness & blotchiness as well.

Kim said...

I follow you on Twitter (@mentallyinked)

Kim said...

I follow your blog.

vboackle said...

i believe it would allow my skin to look refreshed,therefore younger looking.

Sharon Harmon said...

Cold Plasma would benefit my thirsty skin by reducing several causes of aging, and it would calm and soothe my skin too. And I am definitely starting to age! lol!
Have a great day!

Anonymous said...

This product sounds so promising for my dry and wrinkled face, smoothing out the rough spots and bringing back the elasticity that I need. Thanks for a wonderful giveaway. ruthing73 at hotmail dot com

Beeb said...

I think I would benefit from this because I am a moisturizer addict, always looking to try new anti-aging creams, and it sounds like it has fairly gentle ingredients. Thank you for the giveaway!

supercoupongirl AT

Beeb said...

I follow!

supercoupongirl AT

Beeb said...

Got your button here:

supercoupongirl AT

Beeb said...

Got you in my blog roll here:

supercoupongirl AT

Beeb said...

Already following on Twitter:



supercoupongirl AT

Beeb said...

Tweet tweet!

supercoupongirl AT

megan said...

After turning 30 I've started to see an increasing amount of wrinkles. I'd like to keep them at bay as long as possible.

Joannie said...

Wrinkles, wrinkles, wrinkles,
I've got them, I don't what them!!
Cold Plasma, help me, please!!
hi_joan_elliott at hotmail dot com

. said...

yuck, I hate my skin tone and my pores!

Anonymous said...

I think I'd beneft from using it because it looks like a good quality product. My skin needs the extra boost!

hebert024 at aol dot com

Shop with Me Mama said...

I would benefit because I am starting to see the signs of aging, sigh :( Thanks for the chance :)

Shop with Me Mama said...

I follow your blog (shopwithmemama)

Shop with Me Mama said...

I follow you on twitter (shopwithmemama)

Karen said...

I'm getting OLD (47), and my skin just doesn't look smooth and supple anymore....

Elkaye said...

This sounds like a great product for my dry, blotchy skin.


Elkaye said...

blog follower.


Elkaye said...

twitter follower. @Elkaye


Elkaye said...



ehhogan said...

I'm 45 yrs old and my skin needs all the help it can get!

ehhogan at

Tina12312 said...

My skin could use some firming and this sounds great! Thank you!

Tina12312 said...

I'm following you on blogger.

Tina12312 said...

I'm following you on Twitter.

Tina12312 said...

I'd love to win this and I tweeted

thank you!

Molly K said...

I'd love to win this because my skin is very difficult to find products for. I have some spots that are very dry and other spots that are very oily. I would love to try this to see if it would give the best of both worlds.

Molly K said...

I follow on google friends.

Molly K said...

I follow on twitter as tomandmollyk

Tina12312 said...

I would love to win and I tweeted again

thank you!

mmentor said...

sign me up[

scarlette10 said...

I like that it is for any skin type-even my sensitve skin

Anonymous said...

Mineral oil breaks me out, and this has none. The biochemical individuality sounds like this could be good for anyone! Thanks for the chance!

Crystal said...

I'm starting to get little lines & wrinkles on my face. This would definitely help!

bison61 said...

My skin gets dry and red-this might help

tiramisu392 (at)

Unknown said...

My skin is a bit moody. It starts out dry and occasionally a bit flaky and progresses to oily as the day wears on. It's rather uneven because I have acne and some scarring. Sure it would have to be a miracle product to give me perfect skin, but I'm willing to give it a shot. Thanks for offering it, because I would never pay $150 for a cream unless I suppose I get hooked after winning this. (at) gmail (dot) com

chromiumman said...

i'm starting to see wrinkles

Tina12312 said...

I would love to win and I tweeted again

thank you!

Anonymous said...

wow, great contest

Tina12312 said...

I would love to win and I tweeted again

thank you!

sweetsue said...

My skin would benefit from this because I have 10 signs of aging.
smchester at gmail dot com

sweetsue said...

I am now following on Blogger.
smchester at gmail dot com

sweetsue said...

I am following on Twitter as ptowngirl.
smchester at gmail dot com

Tina12312 said...

I would love to win and I tweeted again

thank you!

Smooshy said...

sounds like it would be a big help to my dry skin!

Tina12312 said...

I would love to win and I tweeted again

thank you!

msrodeobrat said...

i think i could benefit because my skin is dull and uneven. i would love to see if this would help

Tina12312 said...

I'd love to win and I tweeted again

thank you!

LittleEagle said...

After years in the sun it's time to take care of my skin. sharonaquilino at hotmail dot com

Tina12312 said...

I would love to win and I tweeted again

thank you!

Erica G said...

I have 9 of the 10 aging signs that this cream will help. Depressing...but there is hope.

egreca (at) hotmail {dot} com

heaventrees said...

My skin could use some brightening and evening of tone. I think Cold Plasma might help.

ky2here said...

Because I spent way too much time in the sun and this gives me hope of rejuvenation.

ky2here said...

Following on twitter as ky2here.

ky2here said...

Here's my tweet:

Anonymous said...

I could use it because my skin can get dry. Thanks for the great giveaway!

Anonymous said...

I follow you on twitter.

Anonymous said...

I'm from Denver, Colorado and our winter months here can be 'harsh' on your skin; resulting in severely dry and damaged skin!

I would love to try Perricone's 'Cold Plasma' cream to help rejuvenate my skin!

Please, include me in your giveaway drawing!

Thanks and good luck to all!

Anonymous said...

I follow via Google Friends Connect!


Anonymous said...

I follow on Twitter!

Twitter Username: LT38

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I blogged about this giveaway!

Aisling said...

I "suffer" from the 10 signs of aging and would love to try a natural product that would provide some benefits.

idahodad7 said...

It would earn me serious brownie points with my wife, because it is on her wish list.

erma said...

I am starting to get fine lines and this could help with them.

Anonymous said...

I just turned 40 and I have dry sensitive skin.


Tina12312 said...

I would love to win and I tweeted again

thank you!

Melodic Mom said...

I could use it because I have always had blotchy skin with uneven skin tone. I'd like to see if this would help at all.

Melodic Mom said...

I follow you on twitter as MelodicMom

Melodic Mom said...

I tweeted:

PamelaJD said...

I think Perricone Cold Plasma would help even out my skin tone.

cowboyswife said...

That it will help me with my fine lines and wrinkles.

Anonymous said...

I'd benefit because my skin is terrible right now! I really need to get a routine going

idahomom said...

I just turned 46 and my face is showing every year.

lisa said...

I noticed that my skin lost its radiance and i would really love to get it back, thanks for the chance.

lisa said...

Blogged giveaway:

lisa said...

I have your button on my sidebar:

lisa said...

Your in my blogroll:

lisa said...


denyse said...

I show lots of signs of aging so this would benefit me in every way!

Kimberly said...

I have fine lines and some uneven pigmentation that I think this could really help with. It sounds delightful.

Kimberly said...

I follow your blog. Thank you!

Brooke said...

Just like everyone else I'm getting older and some wrinkles are starting but my my issue is more the uneven tones, not as youthful, etc... Being fair skinned doesn't help either...

terri142 said...

I would love to see if this would help with some lines I have around my eyes, and some firmness issues I have.

terri142 said...

I follow on twitter.(terri142)

Karen said...

I have very sensitive skin and would love to see if this would help with lines around my eyes :)

ktgonyea at

Unknown said...

My early years of tanning are starting to give away my age. I need help!

Anonymous said...

i need it because im getting the line and wrinkles that no one wants

Unknown said...

Because this upcoming year - 2010 - is THE year. I turn 40, my daughter becomes a teenager and my baby hits double digits. I feel the gray hair and wrinkle. While this cream will not help me deal with a teenager daughter or keep my baby from growing up - it could help me look younger!

Anonymous said...

my 50 + year old skin is starting to show its age and I need some help in turning back the clock a little

Angela G said...

My skin has prematurely aged. I have wrinkles and dry, uneven skin.

Angela G said...

I follow you on twitter. ag1414

Angela G said...

I tweeted:

juau4 said...

I have tried so many moisturizers and discovered I'm allergic to pretty much everything. Dr. Perricone's Cold Plasma may be the answer!

Anonymous said...

My skin is sensitive and really get dry in some spota and oily in others. Also I am getting older and I showing the "signs of aging". I would love to have this product!

kakihara said...

I could use it--because I have difficult skin---every time I try a product it works great for a week or two then it starts to clog my pores and gives me blemishes. I would love to try this--I'm looking for magic!

tlcfromtn said...

I could use this because I have some of the issues that this product is supposed to help with. I'd love to try it!

braaisjo at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

For me, this would help with the dryness I experience!
nynekats at aol dot com

Anonymous said...

following your blog
nynekats at aol dot com

Anonymous said...

I am hoping that this will help with the large pores on my nose as well as the redness in my cheeks.
one 4 earth at aol dot com

Anonymous said...

I follow your blog.
one 4 earth at aol dot com

Sheila Hickmon said...

Because I would love to stop the oncoming wrinkles!

Tina12312 said...

I would love to win and I tweeted again

thank you!

zachsgran said...

I'm over 40 and my skin is starting to develop problems such as loss of firmness and uneven texture and tone. I've heard of this product and would love to try it.


roseh2o19 said...

not sure it would - like to try

susan1215 said...

I have dry skin so I hope this would help me.

Unknown said...

My skin tends to get blotchy sometimes. This should help.


lisa said...

I follow you on twitter(samasam)

tmc480 said...

I would hope that this could help my problems with dryness and uneven skin tone

tmc480 said...

I follow

Anonymous said...

I'm just now beginning to show signs of aging on my face I would love to try something to nip it in the bud!

Angela said...

I've lost a lot of firmness over the years. While I'm not too concerned about the wrinkles I could use some help with skintone and everything else.

Bridget3496 said...

I have EXTREMELY dry skin and I think this would benefit me so much!

brdgcombs at aol dot com

Bridget3496 said...

follow your blog- bridget3496

brdgcombs at aol dot com

Bridget3496 said...

follow you on twitter- @bridget3496

Bridget3496 said...


Unknown said...

This could help restore the firmness in my skin. I'm over 40 and have noticed a dramatic change in my skin over the past few years

Unknown said...



liliesrnice said...

I think this would really help my uneven skin tone.

Sand said...

I would benefit because my skin looks so sullen and this would give me a rejuvenated look.

Jinxy and Me said...

I think this would make my skin look more radiant!

Jinxy and Me said...

I'm following you in Google Friend Connect!

Jinxy and Me said...

I'm following you on Twitter. My twitter name is @ThriftyJinxy

Anonymous said...

I would benefit because of my very very dry skin and tiny wrinkles

Anonymous said...

follow on blogger


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