Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Wordless Wednesday: The Costume That Wasn't

What happens when someone finds momma's Halloween bin:

Wonder how he'll feel about these in 10 years.


Gena said...

LMAO Blackmail pictures!!!

candace said...


StacieinAtlanta said...

Very nice!

BTW, I love his shirt!!

koreen (aka: winn) said...

You can share that with his future girlfriend... =)

Kim @ What's That Smell? said...

Ok that is hysterical!

Unknown said...

Thanks for dropping by and commenting. You comment, I follow! :) These are classic! So innocent, doesn't even know to run away from the camera! LOL!!

Nicole Feliciano said...

Look out project runway!

Unknown said...

lol, my son is 14 and was looking for the "perfect pair of wings" to wear this year.

Courtney said...

LOL!! awww

Unknown said...

This is an everyday thing for my son! Happy WW!

Christy aka The Write Gal said...

That is just TOO funny. I say show that at his rehearsal dinner one day. SO HYSTERICAL. Happy WW!

Jennifer said...

Somehow I don't think he'll find them as funny as I did....Thanks for sharing. What are kids good for if you can't use them for laughs!

Kasey@ All Things Mamma said...

Haha! Too funny!

My 18 month old little boy loves princess tiaras and headband! LOL

Unknown said...

LOL! That sure is cute though :)

Annie said...

how funny!! These are def blackmail pics! what a cutie

Faythe said...

What fun!

I see a comedian in the future!

Anonymous said...

ADORABLE! :) I wonder what Daddy thought when he saw these!?!? :)

Smellyann said...

Too funny!!

Unknown said...

LOL! Totally blackmail pics! I have a few of those of my little guy too : )

Happy WW!

Genny said...

Oh, too cute!

Not So Average Mama said...


Amanda said...

I don't even think you'll have to wait 10 years. My 8yo son hates all things pink now. That would mortify him. This from the boy who used to clomp around the house in my heels.

Run DMT said...

I think the hat completes the look. ;-) Happy WW!

Rob said...

Very funny. Keep those to show his first serious girlfriend. LOL

Happy WW!

Sara Elizabeth said...

How funny. I bet in 10 years he won't want you to pull these out. He sure is cute, though.

Liz Mays said...

It rocks that you have a bunch of dress-up goodies like that!

Serendipity is Sweet said...

Rofl, love it!

He's adorable :D

Anonymous said...

Very cute pics! Happy WW!

Felicia said...

That is absolutely hilarious!!! This will DEFINITELY come back to haunt him!

Unknown said...

That is definitely a picture to have printed/framed to have at his graduation party. lol

My WW http://lovemy2dogs.blogspot.com/2009/11/wordless-wednesday-kinda.html

kasandria said...

LOVE it! Hold them until prom lol.
Happy WW!

Jennifer @ Mom Spotted said...

Haha! What did Daddy think?

Tammy said...

He's going to want to destroy those pictures when he gets older.

MOMMY-MOMO said...

haha! blackmail! thats hilarious!

HaB said...

That is for sure a picture to send it for his senior yearbook!! Too cute!

Amber Page Writes said...

Show those to his first girlfriend...or better yet, at his wedding reception.

Erin said...

Thats cute. Something my son would do

Unknown said...

lolol. I would definitely hold onto those. I can see them coming in handy at a later date ;)

Mel Fraase said...

Ha ha! My hubby would have a heart attack!!

Heather said...

Very cute! My son likes the pretty stuff too...honestly, how could you NOT like sparkles. I don't blame them a bit.

(thanks for checking out Cool Zebras and Midwest Parents today!)

A Family Completed... said...

I don't think he will be as excited about them, lol. I love his t-shirt that is so cute!

Michelle said...

LOL! Chances are he will think it is funny. These days boys seem to take any opportunity they can to dress up like the girls. :)

Rhea said...

HAHAHAH! That's fantastic. Definitely one for the baby books.

Jessie said...

Love them! I also have that in but it is a far walk to the garage to get it :) Have a great day!

Lizzie said...


Susie said...

Ha, Ha!! What a good sport:-)

Amber! said...

These are the kind of pictures you send into the high school yearbook committee their senior year of school!!!

Michelle@lifeinawhirlwind said...

Now that's styling!

Amanda @ High Impact Mom said...

Those are So cute!! I, too, wonder how he will feel! Thanks for stopping by High Impact Mom's WW!

Muthering Heights said...

LOL, those are so going in the scrapbook!!

Tonya said...


Marie said...

Hahaha! Awesome. Love his combination!
Thanks for stopping by my blog!

Marice said...

hahaha i wonder too! cute!

u may view mine if u have time

Chrissy said...

Hahaha. Too cute!

Alexandra said...

haha....funny! (and cute!!)