Clean Cool Whip container
Foam craft sheets
Construction paper
Googly eyes
Pipe Cleaners

To create basket:
Tape foam sheets around container (I used Duct tape to hold in place).
Punch 2 small holes on either side of container top and thread the pipe cleaners through to make handle.
Decorate with stickers.
To create turkey:
Cut out 2 large circles to form body and a small one for the head.
Cut several feathers and fan in between body pieces. Tape or glue in place.
Form legs from pipe cleaners and tape in between body pieces.
Punch hole in one feather and attach turkey to handle with pipe cleaner.
Fill bucket:
Cut strips of paper and put inside bucket.
At Thanksgiving, pass them out and have everyone write what they're thankful for.
I posted a kid craft too! Happy Thanksgiving.
Great craft idea!
That's so cute! :)
that is the cutest
what a fun idea!! I love crafts in my house.
How cute is that! I wish I had seen this sooner, I would have totally done this with the kids.
THis is an adorable idea, I am always looking for something creative to do with the boys
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