Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Wordless Wednesday: My Sister's New Baby


Momstart said...

What a cute little baby!

kasandria said...

OMG! That is the cutest dog I have ever seen and I don't like dogs!

Brittany said...

Too cute!!!!

Sara said...

Oh my word what a cutie!!! LOVE a new puppy!

Haasiegirl said...

ooh, how sweet!!


Kelly said...

oh my just too cute

Night Owl Mama said...

I love it she's adroable and looks so snuggly

Princess Hairstyles said...

Holy crap that's cute! Now I want one!!

Green Mama said...

Oh my goodness, what kind of dog it that...its the cutest thing I have ever seen!

Bridgette said...

omg, cutest thing EVER!!

Anonymous said...

if you ever every need a dog sitter, let me know! CUTE-E-PIE!

Unknown said...

Awww, I think I am in love.....

Rob said...

That is one cute baby.

Happy WW!

Kasey@ All Things Mamma said...

SO adorable! Babies and puppies...can't help but be adorable!

Cheryl said...

He's SO adorable. I would love to get a dog!!!

StacieinAtlanta said...

He is soooo cute!

Bridgette said...

Aww..how cute!!!!

Carolyn G said...

What a cutie patootie!!

Annie said...

Ahhh!! I want a puppy now :) My dog is HUGE and so totally not a puppy :)
Happy WW!

Brandy said...

Oh my goodness how adorable is he?!

Cat@3KidsandUs said...

awwwwww how cute is that. what kind of pup is he?

Run DMT said...

CUTE!!! He looks like a stuffed toy. Make you just wanna cuddle him!

koreen (aka: winn) said...

She'll be fun for your little guy to play with too. Cutie!

Anonymous said...

that dog is pretty cute!

Liz Mays said...

And what a cute new baby it is!

Tammy said...

How cute. A little dust rag. Just kidding...

Rhea said...

Freaking adorable! I just wanna squish him!

Marianna said...

OMG what a little cutie pie! What kind of dog is it?

Tara said...

Oh so cute! Love this!

My WW link:


Michelle said...

Awww, what kind of puppy is that? So darn cute.

Happy WW!

Mevolving said...

HOW CUTE! I am a total dog person - as in I love them so much not as in I have a tail :D He is absolutely adorable!

Sarah said...

Oh my goodness - so cute! I want to snuggle with the puppy!

Jessie said...

Precious - that could be her name :) However every time I say that I think of LOTR :) Happy Wednesday mama!

TeachinAuntie said...

Aww! Check out MY new baby!

Julia said...

Too cute! Here's my wordless if you'd like to stop by: http://www.easyecotogo.com/2009/11/theres-nothing-better-than-fresh-picked.html

PropellerHeadMom said...

Cute dog!

tiff snedaker said...

So stinkin cute! Makes me want a puppy!

Bloggymommy said...

Awww...so cute!

Krisha said...

How cute!

Unknown said...

awwwww what kind of puppy is it? So sweet!

2Wired2Tired said...

Adorable. I love how its eyes look blue.

Michelle @Flying Giggles said...

What an adorable baby.

renee from what mommies need said...

Aaawww! How sweet is that little baby!

Adrienne said...

so cute, what kind of dog is it

Brittany and Charlie-Social Butterfly said...

OMG what a cutie!

Shari@aPsychMommy said...

OMG so cute! I love the new puppy stage!

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