Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Blog Party Day 10: Our Tree

Welcome to Day 10 of MomDot's Blog party!

Today's Sponsors:
Organic Blankees, Huddy Buddy, and Baby Legs

Today's Question:
How do you decorate for the holidays? Do you have a themed Christmas tree? Share pics! Do you think there is such a thing as OVER decorating?

One of things I remember most from my childhood Christmas's is decorating the tree at my parent's and my grandma's house. My parents always had a simple tree. It was decorated with ornaments we had collected over the years, things my mom had made, and things from nature. I always thought it was beautiful, even though it always leaned and fell over quite a few years.

My grandma had a much more elaborate tree, with ornaments from years and years of collecting. There were always lots of breakables we had to be careful with, a huge village scene around the base, and a million strands of lights and garland. I always dreaded decorating her tree for her because it had to be just right and it took forever.Our tree now has become our own little collection of decorations. We have lots of photo ornaments, plus all the ones given to my hubby and me as children. I let our son do a lot of the decorating, and keep it simple. We always end up with a leaning tree, or something that looks more like a bush than anything else.We don't decorate a lot besides our tree, but this year we will have our own Nativity set to put up too. Here's what my mom gave me as a gift last year:


Michelle@lifeinawhirlwind said...

oohhh. I love Willow Tree. Sounds like your families decorations were and are beautiful.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE the kitty in the nativity scene picture. He looks like he's about to Go all Godzilla on it. :)

Tena said...

we have the same Navity set!!
It rocks, best one out there

Celina said...

I have the same nativity set and I LOVE it! I am making a mental note of your grandma's tree--it sounds like something cool to do when I am a grandma (a long, LONG time from now!)

Anonymous said...

I love Willow Tree, too. My mil has given us several pieces... but no nativity. I really don't have a place to put it!

Momstart said...

These are great pictures.

Sarah said...

My sister made a Nativity set for me but I have yet to put it out because I don't trust the children