Wednesday, November 12, 2008

My family: Blog Party Day 1

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Today's Sponsors: Day One Blog Party Question is Brought to you by La Belle Toile and This and That by Randi

VIP BLOGS to visit are Parent Reviewers , Mom Most Traveled, Mommy Zabs, MomStart, HipposToes, Run DMT

Today is the first day of the big blog party over at MomDot. The party will run from today until November 27. Be sure to check out the topic list if you want to get a head start on your posts!

To kick off the party, I'll be introducing you to my family, also known as the other crazies I'll be spending the holiday season surrounded by.

Our little family consists of just the hubby, GM (my 4-year-old), and myself. The hubby and I have been married for almost five years, although it feels like a lot more some days. He is five years older than me, and we have a crazy, long how-we-met story. We actually went to the same high school, but didn't really know each other until after we both had graduated.

He works hard to provide for us, and spends almost all of his free time at home with us. He's a great dad, and loves to take the little one fishing, to ride go-karts, or to the arcade. He is also a wonderful cook, and I tell him so all the time. This can also be interpreted as cook us dinner for us anytime you like!
(Daddy & GM: Christmas 07)

GM is a very active 4-year-old. I have no idea where this kid gets him energy. I rarely find him sitting still, but when I do, he's either reading or just snuggling up to me. He is obsessed with animals and plans to be a zoologist some day. His favorite animals this week include the spider monkey and the anteater. He wants to be a zoologist since "they get to care for baby animals, zookeepers have to pick up poop."
(Me & GM: Christmas 07)

Then there's me. I'm 23 (for 8 more days). I'm a stay-at-home-mom most days, but I work a few mornings a week too. I'm a photo bug, you never catch me without a camera, and I love to sleep, even though I never seem to get enough of it. At heart, I'm a country girl, and a family girl. I could never imagine leaving my hometown where my family all lives. GM is so attached to all of his aunts, uncles, cousins, and grandparents, that he's upset if more than a few days pass without seeing them.


Anonymous said...

He's so cute!

Melissa, Multi-Tasking Mama said...

Sweet little family!

Hanging Off The Wire said...

The pics are great. I am never without my camera either!

Tena said...

your family is beautiful!!
Happy Holidays

Dee said...

you're family is adorable! never catch me without a camera either!!

AJ @ A Little Bit Nutty said...

I would rather care for the animals then pick up the poop. Someone else can do that *lol* He is so cute! Happy Early Birthday! Woot!

Anonymous said...

GM is such a cutie!

Cat@3KidsandUs said...

What a sweet family. You're a lucky woman!

Momstart said...

I love to sleep too, there just isn't enough time for that

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the comment you left on my blog. Your pictures are great. I love you description of your family - it sounds like a great life! You are blessed! Your little boy is so cute!

Natalie said...

I used to want to be a vet...then my dad told me Ihad to stick my arm up a cows I sympathize with your little man.

Michelle@lifeinawhirlwind said...

Yes, our kids do sound a lot a like! The poop comment sounds like something she just said in my Monday post. Too funny.

Positively Peaches said...

Cute little family. Hey I noticed that you have left alot of comments for the party. Can I ask you a question. Can we post more than one comment on the VIP sites and on other sites? Do you know if the comments can be posted on something other than the Party Questions? Sorry, but you just looked like you know what you are doing.

Barely Domestic Mama said...

Adorable pictures.

Anonymous said...

Cute pictures. Happy Early Birthday too!

Unknown said...

Great pics. Everyone looks happy.

Leah said...

Beautiful pictures!

Anonymous said...

Awww!! GM is a cutie! What a happy family :)

Proud Mommy said...

Cute family!!!

Sarah said...

He NAILED the Zookeepers pick up poop part! I wanna be a Zoologist too! Too funny!

Shasta said...

That's so neat that we have Momma's Boys that are (almost) the same age and have the same name!

Ginny said...

Beautiful photos!

Jess NBP said...

GM is too cute!! Love his smile.

Rita @ My Precious Pennies said...

He's so happy and cute...!

Amanda said...

LOL @ Zoo Keeper vs. Zoologist. That's funny.

Rebekah said...

Sweet photos! Thanks for sharing! Happy Holidays!

Anonymous said...

Ugh! 23!?!?! *jealous*! He has his daddy's smile! Here's My Day 2!

Unknown said...

You have a beautiful family!

I hear you on the sleep, thing, too!

Blessings Abound said...

What wonderful pictures! I love my camera too!:)

Kris said...

Great pics! What a sweet family

Unknown said...

Your family is beautiful!

Kim @ What's That Smell said...

I love the photos of your family!

Bridgette said...

What a great family!