Thursday, November 13, 2008

Blog Party Day 2: Traditions

Day two of MomDot's blog party has arrived!

Sponsers: LaPlates and Lets Go Strolling and Natitys Design

Vip Blogs: Parent Reviewers , Mom Most Traveled, Mommy Zabs, MomStart, HipposToes, Run DMT

The question of the day is: What are some of your favorite family traditions? What are some traditions you want to begin?

We seem to have so many Christmas traditions in our family, from watching It's a Wonderful Life (in black and white, of course) on Christmas Eve to opening gifts at home in our pajamas before going out to visit family to having huge dinners, both on Christmas Day and Christmas Eve.
(Have to leave out milk & cookies)

One of our family traditions is to take "bow photos." When I was little, one of my grandmas always wrapped gifts in the most beautiful paper, topped with every type of ribbon and bow you can imagine. As we opened the gifts, we would put all the ribbons into a pile, than decorate one another with them when we were done. Now I've carried that on with my little one, with help from the rest of the family, of course.

(Grandpa & GM-2004)

Here's a few more photos of my little one.

(GM's 1st Christmas 04)

(GM in 2006)


CompleteLee Blogger said...

Great idea on the fun photos. Your family will always remember doing that!

Cat@3KidsandUs said...

Oh wow, look at all those stockings!

FreeStyleMama - Diana said...

Great photos! Thanks for sharing!

Trish said...

We always decorated people with bows too. Only it was as we were unwrapping them, we'd turn to whomever was sitting next to use and put the bow on their head.

Anonymous said...

What a unique family tradition. Glad you can continue it in your own family.


Stephanie @ Ralphcrew said...

My gram took her gift wrapping very seriously, also. The bow photos are the BEST! Thank you for sharing.

Tena said...

I love the idea of bow pictures! Very cute!

Barely Domestic Mama said...

I love the tradition of bow photos. Too cute.

Natalie said...

We would decorate each other with bows too...usually spur of the moment though. And put 2 cones on our heads at bday parties lol

Michelle@lifeinawhirlwind said...

I like the bow tradition. Very orginal and cute.

Momstart said...

That is a lot of stockings

Anonymous said...

These pictures are making me feel very nostalgic!

I can't wait for Christmas!

Rita @ My Precious Pennies said...

Love the line of stockings. That's what it looks like at hubby's dad's house =P

Bloggymommy said...

Love your pics! Too cute!

I mentioned you on my blog. Go check it out and then give yourself an ego deserve it! :)

Princess Hairstyles said...

I love the bow photos! What a fun idea.

Momstart said...

Those are beautiful pictures. Thanks for stopping by my blog.

Allison said...

That sounds so fun! I do that with my daughter on her birthday by putting her bows on her head!

Blessings Abound said...

We watch a Wonderful Life too. Great classic!

Kris said...

Love the bow photos!

Unknown said...

I love your traditions. The pictures are beautiful.

Kim @ What's That Smell said...

Great photos!

We have a Christmas Eve tradition that always involves PIZZA!!!!!

Bridgette said...

The ribbons are so cute!

Amanda said...

The bow photos sound cute and fun!

Jess NBP said...

What wonderful traditions.