Friday, November 14, 2008

Blog Party Day 3: Shopping

Welcome to Day 3 of MomDot's huge blog party! I'm having so much fun reading all the posts and hope ya'll are enjoying visiting me too! Day 3 of the Christmas of Dreams Blog Party is sponsored by Appledonia, Hippo Toes, and My Bag by Kushies.

Today's question is: When do you start Christmas shopping? How do you budget for Christmas? Do you stick to your budget?

To be honest, I am the worst Christmas shopper ever. I tell myself every year that I'll start early. But on the chance that I do, I end up losing gifts I've bought or GM finds them and starts playing or I forget another event and have to pull it out for that.

I start my list in November, I may even pick up a thing or two. Than Thanksgiving arrives and I realize I'm pretty well screwed behind, and I start to stress. Any budget that I thought we had created goes out the window, and I basically use whatever we have left after paying for food and bills. I usually end up picking up a few extra shifts just to be sure we can afford the holidays.

Holidays are never huge ordeals at our house, but we do make them memorable. There's lots of crafts and homemade gifts, and GM always has a ton to open, even if that means a bunch of small gifts. We're lucky that he's thrilled to get books, games, and Matchbox cars, and that momma can usually find a few good deals on things he really wants.

I'm doing pretty good this year. I have almost a week til Thanksgiving, and I already have gifts for 3 people (out of 15 or so), plus 4 things for GM. This is quite the achievement for me!


Anonymous said...

I so wish I could be one of those who "shop early" for Christmas. However, I usually wait til the last minute too! Great Post!

Erin Tales said...

The homemade gifts must be so special!

Sarah said...

I never shop early. I have no patience for sales and if I hadn't won some blog contests I would have NOTHING for Christmas. Do you think we could be less alike?

FreeStyleMama - Diana said...

We too focus on memorable!

Caitlin said...

Ooo, nice job with already having some!

Sandy said...

You are way ahead of me.

AJ @ A Little Bit Nutty said...

You are so ahead of me. I have ONE gift! For once I would like to be done shopping in January and have the rest of the year to relax lol.

Blessings Abound said...

I attempt to get all my shopping done early but I'm always scrambling around last minute for the little things.

Anonymous said...

You do it up right! The kids will be so much happier with memories of love over memories of presents! Here's My Day 3! Come sign Mr. Linky!

Shasta said...

My boys are the same way, they're just as thrilled with the smaller things. I think they're happier unwrapping lots of small things verses one big thing.

Kris said...

Awesome! We love homemade gifts here too!

Bridgette said...

Thanks for playing in the Blog Party!


Proud Mommy said...

Great job on your jump start!!

Cat@3KidsandUs said...

Hey if you've got 3 of 15 you're already doing better than me, I've got 0 of 9 done. lol

Natalie said...

I am usually in the same boat as you. I have tried to make more of an effort this year to prebuy though. That way the cost is spread out instead of all at once.

Michelle@lifeinawhirlwind said...

You buy for 15 people? That's a lot!

Tena said...

hey, someone I can share the bench with!
I am not good in this department either!
Pass the bon bons

Melissa, Multi-Tasking Mama said...

It's good to teach your kids early to appreciate the little things like books and puzzles- my boys are tweens and still enjoy getting books, etc as long as their are video games under the tree too LOL

Melissa said...

Yes, we do a lot of little gifts too. My boys like the "little" things now... hopefully they will be happy this year too!

Allison said...

Oh yeah already on my way to waiting till the last minute... I have ideas just waiting till our Christmas money comes in!

Unknown said...

Your farther ahead then me this year. I have been better at getting things done early the last several years though.

Positively Peaches said...

We are wanting to be done by Thanksiving, but I know that we will linger a little longer. Hopefully not.

Bridget said...

You are way ahead of me :) 3 out of 15 isn't bad at all! nice work!

Unknown said...

I think homemade gifts are the best.

hippos toes said...

Shopping early makes it so much easier once Thanksgiving comes around. Gives you more time to bake those holiday treats :)

Stephanie @ Ralphcrew said...

Hey, it's not even Thanksgiving yet! You are doing great.

Anonymous said...

That's pretty good!

Anonymous said...

I used to lose the gifts I bought throughout the year, so I bought one of those plastic totes that slide under my bed to store everything in.

I love making & receiving handmade gifts, it makes the holidays so much more special.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for visiting my blog! I love your blog design. I am a late shopper too. This year you are way ahead of me. :)

Kim @ What's That Smell said...

Lucky for me this year we agreed to only buy for the kids. I'm behind and have less $$ this year.

Nanny A said...

I love giving books as gifts for the holidays!

Do you make ornaments for family members and give them as gifts?

Princess Hairstyles said...

I always wait til the last minute too. Sometimes that can be better though. One year I started way early and kept finding more and more stuff to buy along the way. I spent way too much that year!

Amanda said...

That's why I start shopping early. I buy a couple things each paycheck, so it doesn't hurt so much all at once.

Anonymous said...

Normally around July. But this year times are so lean, that I couldn't. In fact, we're slashing Christmas and it'll be slim pickins this year.

I actually got a few things yesterday, so I started this year, yesterday to answer your question. lol.

My Trendy Tykes said...

I hope you have fun with all your crafty things this year. That is my favorite thing to do during the holidays.


Anonymous said...

It usually sneaks up on me, otherwise I know I'd start earlier.

MMJ said...

Sounds like you're off to a great start!!

Jess NBP said...

I understand about starting early.. LOL Thanks for sharing.

Rita @ My Precious Pennies said...

This Christmas is completely sneaking up on me. I still haven't gotten Christmas pictures taken! Thank the heavens that we've been given a free pass for Christmas.

Momstart said...

we don't have many to buy for so it's not really like we are shopping early