Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Blog Party Day 6: Memories

Welcome to Day 6 of the MomDot Blog Party! I'm really late today from being at work and having 3 times the kids this afternoon, but I'm finally getting my post up!

Today's Sponsors:
Flying Colors Baby, Uncommonly Cute and Lollipop Book Club.

Today's Question:
What's your favorite holiday memory from your own childhood?

This is a tough one for me. I'm sure I had a lot of wonderful holidays over the years, but honestly, I don't remember a lot from my childhood. Weird, huh?

I do remember our holiday routine though. We'd get up early and open gifts at my parents. Then we would bundle up and walk next door to my grandparent's house. Later in the afternoon, we drive a few minutes down the road to my other grandparents.

I remember all the holiday meals, spending time around a huge table with good food, listening to the grown ups talk. I think that was my favorite part of the holidays. Just sitting and listening to their stories. I hope that is one part of the holidays my son will grow to love one day too.


Tena said...

you and I are alike! I remember the memories in one big lump, not as invidual Christmas's

Cathy said...

I think having kids makes you lose your mind, er, I mean memory!

Michelle@lifeinawhirlwind said...

There is a technical term for not remembering anymore. It's called Mommy Brain

Anonymous said...

i don't have too much i remember, either!

Princess Hairstyles said...

I'm with you there. I don't remember a lot either. It sounds fun that you lived close to both grandparents.

Anonymous said...

i don't remember much, either.

Allison said...

Living next door to your grandparents must have been awesome! I would love my girls to live next door to theirs!!

Sandy said...

All of my memories are the same. Good memories, but all the same!

Momstart said...

I wish i could be around family like this for the holidays I enjoyed it and want my kids to

Sarah said...

I think I miss that the most for my children. we are 600+ miles away from just about all of our family. They just don't get to have those family moments.

Diana of Diana Rambles said...

I am sure you son will love being with family too!