Today’s topic is “6 flavors or types of ice cream that you love or hate” You can answer this with a list of 6 words, 6 phrases, 6 sentences, 6 paragraphs, 6 photos, 6 videos, etc . . .
Here's my favorites:
1. Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough
2. Chocolate
3. Chocolate Peanut Butter Cup
4. Cookies and Cream
5. Crazy Vanilla (the swirled stuff)
6. Black Raspberry
Now this week was tough for me because I rarely eat ice cream. I have it maybe twice a year, and even then, it's usually homemade (using goat's milk).
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What!? You don't eat ice cream?? Crazy girl!!
You are the 2nd one I have seen with black raspberry. I don't like fruit in my ice cream... I forgot about that on my list. Have a great weekend!
Sounds good.
You should share your homemade ice cream recipe. I would love to try it especially with all the positive talk of goats milk.
Yours is the second STS blog I've visited, and the second with black raspberry on the list. It's on mine, as well! I had no idea that it was so popular. :)
CC Cookie dough- good choice :)
Where can I find goat's milk based ice cream? share pretty please?
I need to try making homemade ice cream
Black raspberry! Yum! You have a lot of different chocolate flavors on here. You don't like chocolate very much do you?!
Only once or twice a year? Oh no that's like a food group at our house. I like your list.
I too love chocolate. It's probably my first favorite.
Thanks for the comment! I love Vanilla swirl too..yummy!
chocolate and cookies and cream are on my lists, too!
OMGosh HOw could i forgot about Chocolate Peanut Butter cup YUmmm!
I am going to guess that you are a chocolate lover lol. What is crazy vanilla tho?
Your list looks great!
If you don't eat ice cream, how will you join me in my bikini wearing, ice cream truck driving entreprenuerial venture? I was thinking you could buy one of my franchises???haha
Maple walnut all the way!!!!!!!!mmmmmm
oops, not sure why I was anonymous!!!!maybe i should be after that post!
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