Friday, July 24, 2009

Small Talk Six: Who's Got Talent?

Today’s Small Talk Six topic is what are “6 talents you wish you possessed?”

1. I wish I could dance. I'm so uncoordinated when it comes to things like that, luckily little man doesn't take after me in that area.

2. I'd love to be a contortionist. Seriously, how cool would it be to be able to twist and bend in any direction? And they are always so skinny!

3. I'd love to be able to draw. I've always been so jealous of my brother's artistic talent. I can barely draw a recognizable stick figure.

4. I wish I had the skills to come up with witty comments easily. I have my moments, but usually it takes a lot of thought to get good comebacks.

5. I'd love to be able to cook. Meatloaf and spaghetti gets old. I wish I could easily whip up amazing dinners.

6. I wish I was a good runner. Does that count as a talent? I guess it would. I'd love to lose a few pounds, and I'm sure it would be easier if I was good at running and enjoyed it. Maybe it goes back to the whole coordination thing in #1.

What talent would you love to have?


Lulu said...

i wish i could dance too.. it seems like i have both two left feet in terms of dancing

Mine is here:

Mrs. Frogster said...

nice. . . I often wish that I were more creative in cooking also.

Here's my wishful thinking post :)

sheila said...

Gosh, do you have all day? lol
I wish I could cook. And be better motivated sometimes. For things I'd rather not be doing. That I have to do.

Melissa said...

I'm with you on #1, 2, 3, and 4.

LOL on #4. I usually think of a witty comment about 12 hours too late. :)

Kelly said...

I would also like to be able to come back with a witty comment. Like Melissa I usually think of one well after the fact.

Anonymous said...

hey. those are all of the talents that i need. lol. okay. those and ALOT more :)

ADOBO LIFE said...

Stacy my friend - -- what do u mean you wish - -you know you are so talented !!! see u next week ok?

Maria@Conversations with Moms said...

I feel the same as you for number 4. I sometimes wonder how some people come up with such witty comments.

annies home said...

I can handle 4&5 and offer lots of easy recipes on my blog you should check them out

just another mother said...

#2 would rock...

Rana said...

My witty comebacks always seem to be after the fact too. Great list!

Anonymous said...

Love to dance, but with 3 children, I am toooo tired to do anything for me at the end of the day! I guess I should have listed the ability to recharge myself when needed!

Heather said...

I am so with you on #3! I'm not happy with my stick figures either.

Dee said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog...a contortionist eh? Now that I hadn't thought of, there's been a few times I would have liked to have wiggled my way out of a few things, LOL.

Great list and BTW...cook birthday cake for little man.