1. Touching me: I hate to be touched. I know it sounds awful, but my little one is the only one I really enjoy hugs from. I love to snuggle with him or hold his hand, but I despise when other people feel the need to touch me.
2. Reading over my shoulder: When I'm on-line hubby always wants to know what I'm looking at, what I'm typing, what I'm reading. Seriously, if I needed you to know, I'd inform you. So back off!
3. Hearing someone file their nails or chew on ice: Yuck! It makes hurt just thinking about it.
4. Smoking around my son: I used to smoke, and only quit a few months ago. But, I never in my life smoked around my child, and he has even asked someone what they were doing when they lit up nearby. In my opinion, it shows a complete lack of respect to smoke near someone's child.
5. Sharing too much information: There are moments when people just say way too much. There are things that should remain private, and I don't want to hear about them. Seriously, I have times when I'm speechless because I can't imagine the things people tell me.
6. Being nosy: Again, I'm amazed at what comes out of peoples' mouths. If I wanted to say something, I would have said it already. The top questions that drive me crazy: When are you having another kid? Well, are you trying? Don't you think your kids will be too far apart? Ugh.
What do people do to drive you crazy?
I agree that smoking around others' children is flat out rude. And I completely agree that it's super uncomfortable when people share too much information!!!!
#2 is a good one! I hate that as well! It's like an invasion of privacy, even I am just drooling over something on targetdotcom. lol
I totally agree, the chewing on ice is AWUFUL! I get the... when are you having another kid one all the time as well. It's just so rude, what if someone had a miscarriage or had been trying for a long time, they would feel horribel. People just really need to watch what they say. Good list. :)
CHEWING ON ICE!! So annoying!
Along with the ice chewing for me is noisy, obnoxious eating. Like when you go to a movie theater and all you can hear is the rustling of packages and the loud chewing of the person behind you. Annoying!
Thanks for stopping by my blog this week. I hope you don't mind, I tagged you on my blog.
Great list , I totally forgot about some standing over you ! That drives me crazy !
I hate over the shoulder reading too! My son reads the newspaper over my shoulder ALL the time!
I'm with ya. There are some people who just love to invade space.
I once had someone that I barely knew share some very personal information. I had no idea how to react but you can bet I was uncomfortable.
I hate, hate, hate when person divulge personal info or ask for it from me!! WT-?!
I totally forgot about the reading over the shoulder. That drives me crazy!!
I"m with you on the touching me! Stopping by to say hi from MOM Dot!
I so agree with the whole list! My hubby tries to read over my shoulder too!
That's a great list! My favorite was #6. I get those questions all the time. Grrr...
Congrats on quitting smoking!!!
I don't like when people touch me either.
It also drives me crazy when people don't use their blinkers when driving.
I so hate the smoking thing! Two of my three children have asthma and so does my husband so I guess you can figure out where I'm coming from on that one! And the hanging over my shoulder...forgot about that one!! HATE IT!!! :D
Oh yeah, the reading over my shoulder...can't stand it!
Great post!
Yup, the smoking thing is on my list too! I hate personal questions.
I had forgotten about number #2. I am an ice chewer at times...sorry.
Chewing ice and reading over my shoulder ... I'm with you on those!
Thanks for stopping by my blog!
I agree about the TMI. I forgot all about that one.
What a great list. With the exception of the ice chewing I could have written the same thing.
I agree with some many of these, LOL! I hate when people smoke around kids as well. Don't get me started on women who smoke while prego!
My husband looks over my shoulder when I'm doing the check book. It drives me nuts!
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